19 package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.modules.yara;
22 import java.io.IOException;
23 import java.nio.file.Path;
24 import java.nio.file.Paths;
25 import java.util.ArrayList;
26 import java.util.List;
27 import org.openide.modules.InstalledFileLocator;
28 import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
47 final class YaraIngestHelper {
49 private static final String YARA_DIR =
50 private static final String YARA_C_EXE =
51 private static final String MODULE_NAME = YaraIngestModuleFactory.getModuleName();
53 private YaraIngestHelper() {
64 static void compileRules(List<String> ruleSetNames, Path outputDir)
throws IngestModuleException {
65 if (ruleSetNames == null || ruleSetNames.isEmpty()) {
66 throw new IngestModule.IngestModuleException(Bundle.YaraIngestModule_no_ruleSets());
70 File exeFile = InstalledFileLocator.getDefault().locate(
71 Paths.get(YARA_DIR, YARA_C_EXE).toString(),
72 YaraIngestModule.class.getPackage().getName(),
74 if (exeFile == null) {
75 throw new IngestModuleException(Bundle.YaraIngestModule_yarac_not_found());
78 for (RuleSet set : getRuleSetsForNames(ruleSetNames)) {
79 compileRuleSet(set, outputDir, exeFile);
96 static List<BlackboardArtifact> scanFileForMatches(AbstractFile file, File baseRuleSetDirectory, byte[] fileData,
int fileDataSize,
int timeout)
throws TskCoreException, YaraWrapperException {
97 List<BlackboardArtifact> artifacts =
new ArrayList<>();
99 File[] ruleSetDirectories = baseRuleSetDirectory.listFiles();
100 for (File ruleSetDirectory : ruleSetDirectories) {
102 List<String> ruleMatches = YaraIngestHelper.scanFileForMatches(fileData, fileDataSize, ruleSetDirectory, timeout);
103 if (!ruleMatches.isEmpty()) {
104 artifacts.addAll(YaraIngestHelper.createArtifact(file, ruleSetDirectory.getName(), ruleMatches));
126 static List<BlackboardArtifact> scanFileForMatches(AbstractFile file, File baseRuleSetDirectory, File localFile,
int timeout)
throws TskCoreException, YaraWrapperException {
127 List<BlackboardArtifact> artifacts =
new ArrayList<>();
129 File[] ruleSetDirectories = baseRuleSetDirectory.listFiles();
130 for (File ruleSetDirectory : ruleSetDirectories) {
131 List<String> ruleMatches = YaraIngestHelper.scanFileForMatch(localFile, ruleSetDirectory, timeout);
132 if (!ruleMatches.isEmpty()) {
133 artifacts.addAll(YaraIngestHelper.createArtifact(file, ruleSetDirectory.getName(), ruleMatches));
152 private static List<String> scanFileForMatches(byte[] fileBytes,
int fileSize, File ruleSetDirectory,
int timeout)
throws YaraWrapperException {
153 List<String> matchingRules =
new ArrayList<>();
155 File[] ruleSetCompiledFileList = ruleSetDirectory.listFiles();
157 for (File ruleFile : ruleSetCompiledFileList) {
158 matchingRules.addAll(YaraJNIWrapper.findRuleMatch(ruleFile.getAbsolutePath(), fileBytes, fileSize, timeout));
161 return matchingRules;
177 private static List<String> scanFileForMatch(File scanFile, File ruleSetDirectory,
int timeout)
throws YaraWrapperException {
178 List<String> matchingRules =
new ArrayList<>();
180 File[] ruleSetCompiledFileList = ruleSetDirectory.listFiles();
182 for (File ruleFile : ruleSetCompiledFileList) {
183 matchingRules.addAll(YaraJNIWrapper.findRuleMatchFile(ruleFile.getAbsolutePath(), scanFile.getAbsolutePath(), timeout));
186 return matchingRules;
200 private static List<BlackboardArtifact> createArtifact(AbstractFile abstractFile, String ruleSetName, List<String> matchingRules)
throws TskCoreException {
201 List<BlackboardArtifact> artifacts =
new ArrayList<>();
202 for (String rule : matchingRules) {
204 List<BlackboardAttribute> attributes =
new ArrayList<>();
206 attributes.add(
new BlackboardAttribute(TSK_SET_NAME, MODULE_NAME, ruleSetName));
207 attributes.add(
new BlackboardAttribute(TSK_RULE, MODULE_NAME, rule));
209 BlackboardArtifact artifact = abstractFile.newAnalysisResult(BlackboardArtifact.Type.TSK_YARA_HIT, Score.SCORE_NOTABLE, null, ruleSetName, rule, attributes)
210 .getAnalysisResult();
212 artifacts.add(artifact);
218 "YaraIngestModule_yarac_not_found=Unable to compile YARA rules files. Unable to find executable at.",
219 "YaraIngestModule_no_ruleSets=Unable to run YARA ingest, list of YARA rule sets was empty."
233 static private void compileRuleSet(RuleSet set, Path outputDir, File yarac)
throws IngestModuleException {
234 File tempFolder = Paths.get(outputDir.toString(), set.getName()).toFile();
235 if (!tempFolder.exists()) {
239 List<File> fileList = set.getRuleFiles();
240 for (File file : fileList) {
241 List<String> commandList =
new ArrayList<>();
242 commandList.add(String.format(
"\"%s\"", yarac.toString()));
243 commandList.add(String.format(
"\"%s\"", file.toString()));
244 commandList.add(String.format(
"\"%s\"", Paths.get(tempFolder.getAbsolutePath(),
"compiled_" + file.getName())));
246 ProcessBuilder builder =
new ProcessBuilder(commandList);
248 int result = ExecUtil.execute(builder);
250 throw new IngestModuleException(String.format(
"Failed to compile Yara rules file %s. Compile error %d", file.toString(), result));
252 }
catch (SecurityException | IOException ex) {
253 throw new IngestModuleException(String.format(
"Failed to compile Yara rules file, %s", file.toString()), ex);
267 private static List<RuleSet> getRuleSetsForNames(List<String> names) {
268 List<RuleSet> ruleSetList =
new ArrayList<>();
270 RuleSetManager manager = RuleSetManager.getInstance();
271 for (RuleSet set : manager.getRuleSetList()) {
272 if (names.contains(set.getName())) {
273 ruleSetList.add(set);