The Sleuth Kit  4.2
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iso9660_svd Struct Reference

Public Attributes

unsigned char abs_id [ISODCL(740, 776)]
unsigned char app_id [ISODCL(575, 702)]
char app_use [ISODCL(884, 1395)]
unsigned char bib_id [ISODCL(777, 813)]
uint8_t blk_sz_l [ISODCL(129, 130)]
uint8_t blk_sz_m [ISODCL(131, 132)]
unsigned char copy_id [ISODCL(703, 739)]
iso9660_root_dentry dir_rec
date_time ef_date
uint8_t esc_seq [ISODCL(89, 120)]
date_time exp_date
uint8_t flags [ISODCL(1, 8)]
char fs_ver [ISODCL(882, 882)]
date_time make_date
date_time mod_date
unsigned char prep_id [ISODCL(447, 574)]
uint8_t pt_loc_l [ISODCL(141, 144)]
uint8_t pt_loc_m [ISODCL(149, 152)]
uint8_t pt_opt_loc_l [ISODCL(145, 148)]
uint8_t pt_opt_loc_m [ISODCL(153, 156)]
uint8_t pt_size_l [ISODCL(133, 136)]
uint8_t pt_size_m [ISODCL(137, 140)]
unsigned char pub_id [ISODCL(319, 446)]
char res [ISODCL(883, 883)]
char reserv [ISODCL(1396, 2048)]
char sys_id [ISODCL(9, 40)]
char unused2 [ISODCL(73, 80)]
char vol_id [ISODCL(41, 72)]
uint8_t vol_seq_l [ISODCL(125, 126)]
uint8_t vol_seq_m [ISODCL(127, 128)]
uint8_t vol_set_l [ISODCL(121, 122)]
uint8_t vol_set_m [ISODCL(123, 124)]
char vol_setid [ISODCL(191, 318)]
uint8_t vs_sz_l [ISODCL(81, 84)]
uint8_t vs_sz_m [ISODCL(85, 88)]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2007-2015 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.