The Sleuth Kit  4.3
nofs_misc.c File Reference

Contains internal functions that are common to the "non-file system" file systems, such as raw and swap. More...

#include "tsk_fs_i.h"


TSK_FS_BLOCK_FLAG_ENUM tsk_fs_nofs_block_getflags (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_DADDR_T a_addr)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_block_walk (TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_DADDR_T a_start_blk, TSK_DADDR_T a_end_blk, TSK_FS_BLOCK_WALK_FLAG_ENUM a_flags, TSK_FS_BLOCK_WALK_CB a_action, void *a_ptr)
void tsk_fs_nofs_close (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs)
TSK_RETVAL_ENUM tsk_fs_nofs_dir_open_meta (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_FS_DIR **a_fs_dir, TSK_INUM_T a_addr)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_file_add_meta (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_FS_FILE *a_fs_file, TSK_INUM_T inum)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_fsstat (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, FILE *hFile)
TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM tsk_fs_nofs_get_default_attr_type (const TSK_FS_FILE *a_fs_file)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_inode_walk (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_INUM_T a_start_inum, TSK_INUM_T a_end_inum, TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM a_flags, TSK_FS_META_WALK_CB a_action, void *a_ptr)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_istat (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_FS_ISTAT_FLAG_ENUM istat_flags, FILE *hFile, TSK_INUM_T inum, TSK_DADDR_T numblock, int32_t sec_skew)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_jblk_walk (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_INUM_T start, TSK_INUM_T end, int a_flags, TSK_FS_JBLK_WALK_CB a_action, void *a_ptr)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_jentry_walk (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, int a_flags, TSK_FS_JENTRY_WALK_CB a_action, void *a_ptr)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_jopen (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_INUM_T inum)
uint8_t tsk_fs_nofs_make_data_run (TSK_FS_FILE *a_fs_file)
int tsk_fs_nofs_name_cmp (TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs_info, const char *s1, const char *s2)

Detailed Description

Contains internal functions that are common to the "non-file system" file systems, such as raw and swap.

Many of the functions in this file simply give an error that the functionality is not supported for the given file system type.

Copyright © 2007-2015 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.