Autopsy User Documentation
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
The Communications Visualization Tool gives a consolidated view of all communication events for the case. This allows an analyst to quickly view communications data such as:
The Communications Visualization Tool is loaded through the Tools->Communications menu item.
From the left hand column, you can choose which devices to display, which types of data to display, and optionally select a time range. After any changes to the filters, use the Apply button to update the tables.
The middle column displays each account, its device and type, and the number of associated messages (emails, call logs, etc.). By default it will be sorted in descending order of frequency.
Selecting an account in the middle column will bring up the messages for that account in the right hand column. Here data about each message is displayed in the top section, and the messages itself can be seen in the bottom section (if applicable).
The middle column and the right hand column both have a Quick Search feature which can be used to quickly find a visible item in their section's table.
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