19 package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.casemodule;
22 import java.nio.file.Path;
23 import javax.swing.JPanel;
24 import java.util.ArrayList;
25 import java.util.Calendar;
26 import java.util.List;
27 import java.util.logging.Level;
28 import java.util.UUID;
29 import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter;
30 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
31 import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
32 import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider;
33 import org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProviders;
54 @ServiceProviders(value = {
55 @ServiceProvider(service = DataSourceProcessor.class),
56 @ServiceProvider(service = AutoIngestDataSourceProcessor.class)}
60 private final static String DATA_SOURCE_TYPE = NbBundle.getMessage(
62 private static final List<String> allExt =
new ArrayList<>();
66 private static final String ALL_DESC = NbBundle.getMessage(
68 private static final List<FileFilter> filtersList =
new ArrayList<>();
89 filtersList.add(allFilter);
90 filtersList.add(rawFilter);
91 filtersList.add(encaseFilter);
94 if (!System.getProperty(
"mac")) {
95 filtersList.add(virtualMachineFilter);
115 static List<FileFilter> getFileFiltersList() {
127 return DATA_SOURCE_TYPE;
188 run(null, null, progressMonitor, callback);
208 run(null, host, progressMonitor, callback);
214 ingestStream =
new DefaultIngestStream();
215 readConfigSettings();
217 this.password = StringUtils.defaultString(password, this.password);
220 new String[]{imagePath}, sectorSize, timeZone, md5, sha1, sha256, deviceId, this.password, this.host);
222 logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
"Error adding data source with path " + imagePath +
" to database", ex);
223 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
224 errors.add(ex.getMessage());
229 doAddImageProcess(deviceId, imagePath, sectorSize, timeZone, ignoreFatOrphanFiles, md5, sha1, sha256, this.password, progressMonitor, callback);
255 ingestStream =
new DefaultIngestStream();
258 new String[]{imagePath}, sectorSize, timeZone,
"", deviceId, null, null);
260 logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
"Error adding data source with path " + imagePath +
" to database", ex);
261 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
262 errors.add(ex.getMessage());
267 doAddImageProcess(deviceId, imagePath, 0, timeZone, ignoreFatOrphanFiles, null, null, null, this.password, progressMonitor, callback);
292 runWithIngestStream(null, null, settings, progress, callBack);
316 runWithIngestStream(null, host, settings, progress, callBack);
325 readConfigSettings();
327 this.password = StringUtils.defaultString(password, this.password);
332 new String[]{imagePath}, sectorSize, timeZone, md5, sha1, sha256, deviceId, this.password, this.host);
334 logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
"Error adding data source with path " + imagePath +
" to database", ex);
335 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
336 errors.add(ex.getMessage());
345 logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
"Error starting ingest modules", ex);
349 ingestStream =
new DefaultIngestStream();
352 doAddImageProcess(deviceId, imagePath, sectorSize, timeZone, ignoreFatOrphanFiles, md5, sha1, sha256, this.password, progress, callBack);
361 deviceId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
366 md5 = configPanel.getMd5();
370 sha1 = configPanel.getSha1();
371 if (sha1.isEmpty()) {
374 sha256 = configPanel.getSha256();
375 if (sha256.isEmpty()) {
378 this.password = configPanel.getPassword();
379 if (this.password.isEmpty()) {
425 private void doAddImageProcess(String deviceId, String imagePath,
int sectorSize, String timeZone,
boolean ignoreFatOrphanFiles, String md5, String sha1, String sha256, String password,
DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
DataSourceProcessorCallback callback) {
428 if (ingestStream == null) {
429 String message =
"Ingest stream was not initialized before running the add image process on " + imagePath;
430 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);
431 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
437 String message =
"Image was not added to database before running the add image process on " + imagePath;
438 logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);
439 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
445 AddImageTask.ImageDetails imageDetails =
new AddImageTask.ImageDetails(deviceId, image, sectorSize, timeZone, ignoreFatOrphanFiles, md5, sha1, sha256, null, password);
446 addImageTask =
new AddImageTask(imageDetails,
448 new StreamingAddDataSourceCallbacks(ingestStream),
449 new StreamingAddImageTaskCallback(ingestStream, callback));
450 new Thread(addImageTask).start();
462 if (null != addImageTask) {
463 addImageTask.cancelTask();
465 if (ingestStream != null) {
479 ignoreFatOrphanFiles =
486 for (FileFilter filter : filters) {
487 if (filter.accept(file)) {
496 return canProcess(dataSourcePath, null);
505 if (!isAcceptedByFiler(dataSourcePath.toFile(), filtersList)) {
510 if (password == null) {
525 }
catch (Exception ex) {
535 process(deviceId, dataSourcePath, null, null, progressMonitor, callBack);
540 process(deviceId, dataSourcePath, null, host, progressMonitor, callBack);
546 this.deviceId = deviceId;
547 this.imagePath = dataSourcePath.toString();
549 this.timeZone = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone().getID();
550 this.password = StringUtils.defaultString(password, this.password);
552 this.ignoreFatOrphanFiles =
554 ingestStream =
new DefaultIngestStream();
557 new String[]{imagePath}, sectorSize, timeZone,
"", deviceId, this.password, host);
559 logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
"Error adding data source with path " + imagePath +
" to database", ex);
560 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
561 errors.add(ex.getMessage());
566 doAddImageProcess(deviceId, dataSourcePath.toString(), sectorSize, timeZone, ignoreFatOrphanFiles, null, null, null, this.password, progressMonitor, callBack);
573 return processWithIngestStream(deviceId, dataSourcePath, null, null, settings, progressMonitor, callBack);
578 return processWithIngestStream(deviceId, dataSourcePath, null, host, settings, progressMonitor, callBack);
584 this.deviceId = deviceId;
585 this.imagePath = dataSourcePath.toString();
587 this.timeZone = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone().getID();
589 this.password = password;
590 this.ignoreFatOrphanFiles =
595 new String[]{imagePath}, sectorSize, timeZone, md5, sha1, sha256, deviceId, password, host);
597 logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
"Error adding data source with path " + imagePath +
" to database", ex);
598 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
599 errors.add(ex.getMessage());
608 logger.log(Level.SEVERE,
"Error starting ingest modules", ex);
609 final List<String> errors =
new ArrayList<>();
610 errors.add(ex.getMessage());
615 doAddImageProcess(deviceId, dataSourcePath.toString(), sectorSize, timeZone, ignoreFatOrphanFiles, null, null, null, password, progressMonitor, callBack);
IngestStream openIngestStream(DataSource dataSource, IngestJobSettings settings)
void doAddImageProcess(String deviceId, String imagePath, int sectorSize, String timeZone, boolean ignoreFatOrphanFiles, String md5, String sha1, String sha256, String password, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callback)
static synchronized IngestManager getInstance()
boolean getNoFatOrphans()
void run(Host host, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callback)
void readConfigSettings()
void process(String deviceId, Path dataSourcePath, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
String getDataSourceType()
static boolean isAcceptedByFiler(File file, List< FileFilter > filters)
void run(String password, Host host, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callback)
boolean supportsIngestStream()
static final String RAW_IMAGE_DESC
static final String VIRTUAL_MACHINE_DESC
static synchronized ImageFilePanel createInstance(String context, List< FileFilter > fileChooserFilters)
IngestStream processWithIngestStream(String deviceId, Path dataSourcePath, IngestJobSettings settings, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
AddImageTask addImageTask
void run(String deviceId, String imagePath, String timeZone, boolean ignoreFatOrphanFiles, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callback)
IngestStream processWithIngestStream(String deviceId, Path dataSourcePath, String password, Host host, IngestJobSettings settings, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
static final String ENCASE_IMAGE_DESC
int canProcess(Path dataSourcePath, String password)
void done(DataSourceProcessorResult result, List< String > errList, List< Content > newDataSources)
IngestStream processWithIngestStream(String deviceId, Path dataSourcePath, Host host, IngestJobSettings settings, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
boolean ignoreFatOrphanFiles
static final List< String > VIRTUAL_MACHINE_EXTS
static final List< String > ENCASE_IMAGE_EXTS
SleuthkitCase getSleuthkitCase()
static Image addImageToDatabase(SleuthkitCase skCase, String[] imagePaths, int sectorSize, String timeZone, String md5fromSettings, String sha1fromSettings, String sha256fromSettings, String deviceId)
void runWithIngestStream(String password, Host host, IngestJobSettings settings, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progress, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
static boolean imageHasFileSystem(Path dataSourcePath)
boolean isValidationLoading()
void process(String deviceId, Path dataSourcePath, Host host, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
void run(DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callback)
static Case getCurrentCase()
synchronized static Logger getLogger(String name)
void runWithIngestStream(IngestJobSettings settings, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progress, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
void process(String deviceId, Path dataSourcePath, String password, Host host, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progressMonitor, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
final ImageFilePanel configPanel
void runWithIngestStream(Host host, IngestJobSettings settings, DataSourceProcessorProgressMonitor progress, DataSourceProcessorCallback callBack)
static final List< String > RAW_IMAGE_EXTS
int canProcess(Path dataSourcePath)