Autopsy  4.21.0
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
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org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer Interface Reference

Inherited by org.sleuthkit.autopsy.centralrepository.contentviewer.DataContentViewerOtherCases, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.analysisresults.AnalysisResultsContentViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.annotations.AnnotationsContentViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.contextviewer.ContextViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.FileViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.Metadata, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.osaccount.OsAccountViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.textcontentviewer.TextContentViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponents.DataArtifactContentViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponents.DataContentViewerHex, and org.sleuthkit.autopsy.examples.SampleContentViewer.

Public Member Functions

DataContentViewer createInstance ()
Component getComponent ()
String getTitle ()
default String getTitle (Node node)
String getToolTip ()
int isPreferred (Node node)
boolean isSupported (Node node)
void resetComponent ()
void setNode (Node selectedNode)

Detailed Description

Interface that DataContentViewer modules must implement. These modules analyze an individual file that the user has selected and display results in some form of JPanel. We find it easiest to use the NetBeans IDE to first make a "JPanel Form" class and then have it implement DataContentViewer. This allows you to easily use the UI builder for the layout.

DataContentViewer panels should handle their own vertical scrolling, the horizontal scrolling when under their panel's preferred size will be handled by the DataContentPanel which contains them.

Definition at line 35 of file

Member Function Documentation

DataContentViewer org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.createInstance ( )
Component org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.getComponent ( )
String org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.getTitle ( )
default String org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.getTitle ( Node  node)

Returns the title of this viewer to display in the tab.

nodeThe node to be viewed in the DataContentViewer.
the title of DataContentViewer.

Implemented in org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.Metadata.

Definition at line 61 of file

References org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.getTitle().

String org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.getToolTip ( )
int org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.isPreferred ( Node  node)

Checks whether the given viewer is preferred for the Node. This is a bit subjective, but the idea is that Autopsy wants to display the most relevant tab. The more generic the viewer, the lower the return value should be. This will only be called on viewers that support the given node (i.e., isSupported() has already returned true).

The following are some examples of the current levels in use. If the selected node is an artifact, the level may be determined by both the artifact and its associated file.

Level 8 - Used for viewers that summarize a data artifact and display a relevant subset to help the examiner decide if they should look into it further. Not currently used by any modules, but an example would be a module that summarizes an email message.

Level 7 - Used for data artifact viewers. These have higher priority over file content viewers because a Node will likely have the ‘source’ file for a data artifact and we want to give the artifact priority. Currently used by the Data Artifacts viewer.

Level 6 - Used for type-specific file content viewers that summarize the file content and display a relevant subset. These viewers help the examiner determine if the file is worth looking into further. Examples of this would be Video Triage Module that displays a subset of a video or a document.

Level 5 - Used for type-specific file content viewers that are optimized for that type, such as displaying an image or a PDF file with images and proper layout. Currently used by the Application viewer.

Level 4 - Used for type-specific file content viewers that are not optimized. For example, displaying only the plain text from a PDF would be at this level, but displaying the same PDF with images and layout would be level 5. Currently used by the Text viewer that returns text from Solr.

Level 3 - Used for viewing Data Artifacts that refer to files and the user may want to view the files more than the artifact itself. This is currently used by the Data Artifact viewer when a Web Download artifact is selected.

Level 2 - Used for viewing Analysis Results. This is a lower priority than Data Artifacts and file content because Analysis Results are used to identify content of interest and therefore the content itself should be shown. Currently used by the Analysis Results viewer. * Level 1 - Used for metadata viewers that give more information and context about the primary file or artifact. Currently used by Metadata, Annotations, Context, Other Occurrences, and OS Account.

Level 0 - Used for general purpose file content viewers that are not file specific and will always be enabled. Currently used by Text/Strings and Hex.

nodeNode to check for preference
an int (0-10) higher return means the viewer has higher priority

Implemented in org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponents.DataContentViewerHex, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponents.DataArtifactContentViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.annotations.AnnotationsContentViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.Metadata, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.FileViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.contextviewer.ContextViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.analysisresults.AnalysisResultsContentViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.osaccount.OsAccountViewer, org.sleuthkit.autopsy.contentviewers.textcontentviewer.TextContentViewer, and org.sleuthkit.autopsy.centralrepository.contentviewer.DataContentViewerOtherCases.

boolean org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.isSupported ( Node  node)
void org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.resetComponent ( )
void org.sleuthkit.autopsy.corecomponentinterfaces.DataContentViewer.setNode ( Node  selectedNode)

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