Autopsy User Documentation  3.1
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
Result Viewers

About Result Viewers

The Result Viewer windows are in the upper right area of the interface and display the results from selecting something in the Data Explorer Tree area. You will have the option to display the results in a variety of formats. Currently, there are 2 main tabs in the Result Viewer window:

Right Click Functions

Viewers in Result Viewers have certain right-click functions built-in into them that can be accessed when a node a certain type is selected (a file, directory or a result). Here are some examples that you may see:

Below is an example of a "Result Viewer" window:


Table Result Viewers

Thumbnail Results Viewer Thumbnail Results Viewer displays the data catalog as a table of thumbnail images in adjustable sizes. This viewer only supports picture file(s) (Currently, only supports JPG, GIF, and PNG formats). Click the Thumbnail tab to select this view. Note that for a large number of images in a directory selected in the Data Explorer, or for a View selected that contains a large number of images, it might take a while to populate this view for the first time before the images are cached.

Below is an example of "Thumbnail Results Viewer" window:


Thumbnail Result Viewers

Table Results Viewer (Directory Listing) displays the data catalog as a table with some details (properties) of each file. The properties that it shows are: name, time (modified, changed, accessed, and created), size, flags (directory and meta), mode, user ID, group ID, metadata address, attribute address, and type (directory and meta). Click the Table Viewer tab to select this view.

The Results Viewer can be also activated for saved results and it can show a high level results grouped, or a results at a file level, depending on which node on the Directory Tree is selected to populate the Table Results Viewer.

Below is an example of a "Table Results Viewer" window:


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