The Sleuth Kit  4.12.1
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 auto.cppContains C++ code that creates the base file extraction automation class
 auto_db.cppContains code to populate SQLite database with volume and file system information from a specific image
 case_db.cppContains class definition for TskCaseDb class to handle creating/opening a case database and adding images to it
 db_sqlite.cppContains code to perform operations against SQLite database
 tsk_auto.hContains the class definitions for the automated file extraction classes
 tsk_case_db.hContains the class that creates a case-level database of file system data
 tsk_db.cppContains code related to abstract TSK database handling class
 tsk_db.hContains TSK interface to abstract database handling class
 tsk_db_sqlite.hContains the SQLite code for maintaining the case-level database
 md5c.cLocal copy of RSA Data Security, Inc
 mymalloc.cThese functions allocate and reallocate memory and set the error handling functions when an error occurs
 sha1c.cLocal copy of the public domain SHA-1 library code by David Ireland
 tsk_base.hContains the type and function definitions that are needed by external programs to use the TSK library
 tsk_base_i.hContains the general internal TSK type and function definitions
 tsk_endian.cContains the routines to read data in different endian orderings
 tsk_error.cContains the error handling code and variables
 tsk_list.cTsk_lists are a linked list of buckets that store a key in REVERSE sorted order
 tsk_os.hContains some OS-specific type settings
 tsk_parse.cContains code to parse specific types of data from the command line
 tsk_printf.cThese are printf wrappers that are needed so that we can easily print in both Unix and Windows
 tsk_stack.cContains the functions to create and maintain a stack, which supports basic popping, pushing, and searching
 tsk_unicode.cA local copy of the Unicode conversion routines from
 tsk_unicode.hContains the definitions for Unicode-based conversion methods
 tsk_version.cContains functions to print and obtain the library version
 XGetopt.cParses arguments for win32 programs – written by Hans Dietrich
 btrfs.cppContains the internal TSK Btrfs file system functions
 dcat_lib.cppContains the library API functions used by the TSK blkcat command line tool
 exfatfs.cContains the internal TSK exFAT file system code to "open" an exFAT file system found in a device image and do the equivalent of a UNIX "stat" call on the file system
 fatfs_dent.cppContains the internal TSK FAT file name processing code
 fatfs_utils.cContains utility functions for processing FAT file systems
 fatxxfs.cContains the internal TSK FATXX (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32) file system code to handle basic file system processing for opening file system, processing sectors, and directory entries
 ffind_lib.cContains the library API functions used by the TSK ffind command line tool
 fs_attrlist.cFile that contains functions to process TSK_FS_ATTRLIST structures, which hold a linked list of TSK_FS_ATTR attribute structures
 fs_block.cContains functions to allocate, free, and read data into a TSK_FS_BLOCK structure
 fs_inode.cContains functions to allocate, free, and process the generic inode structures
 fs_io.cContains functions to read data from a disk image and wrapper functions to read file content
 fs_open.cContains the general code to open a file system – this calls the file system -specific opening routines
 fs_parse.cContains code to parse specific types of data from the command line
 fs_types.cContains TSK functions that deal with parsing and printing file system type strings
 logical_fs.cppContains the internal TSK logical file system functions
 ntfs_dent.cppNTFS file name processing internal functions
 rawfs.cContains internal "raw" specific file system functions
 swapfs.cContains the internal "swapfs" specific functions
 tsk_exfatfs.hContains declarations of structures and functions specific to TSK exFAT file system support
 tsk_fatfs.hContains the structures and function APIs for TSK FAT (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT) file system support
 tsk_fatxxfs.hContains the structures and function APIs for TSK FATXX (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32) file system support
 tsk_fs.hExternal header file for file system support
 tsk_fs_i.hContains the internal library definitions for the file system functions
 yaffs.cppContains the internal TSK YAFFS2 file system functions
 binsrch_index.cppFunctions common to all text hash databases (i.e
 hashkeeper.cContains functions to read and process hash keeper database files
 sqlite_hdb.cppContains hash database functions for SQLite hash databases
 tsk_hashdb.hExternal header file for hash database support
 tsk_hashdb_i.hContains the internal library definitions for the hash database functions
 aff.cInternal code to interface with afflib to read and open AFF image files
 img_types.cContains basic functions to parse and print the names of the supported disk image types
 tsk_img.hContains the external library definitions for the disk image functions
 bsd.cContains the internal functions required to process BSD disk labels
 dos.cContains the internal functions to process DOS Partition tables
 gpt.cThe internal functions required to process the GPT GUID Partiition Table
 mac.cContains the internal functions to process and load a Mac partition table
 mm_io.cContains the wrapper code that allows one to read sectors from a TSK_VS_INFO or TSK_VS_PART_INFO structure
 mm_open.cContains general code to open volume systems
 mm_part.cContains the functions need to create, maintain, and access the linked list of partitions in a volume
 mm_types.cContains the code to parse and print the strings for the supported volume system types
 sun.cContains the internal SUN VTOC volume system processing code
 tsk_vs.hExternal header file for media management (volume system) support
 tsk_vs_i.hContains the internal library definitions for the volume system functions

Copyright © 2007-2020 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.