The Sleuth Kit  4.2
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TSK_FS_NAME Struct Reference

Generic structure to store the file name information that is stored in a directory. More...

#include <tsk_fs.h>

Public Attributes

 Flags that describe allocation status etc.
TSK_INUM_T meta_addr
 Address of the metadata structure that the name points to.
uint32_t meta_seq
 Sequence number for metadata structure (NTFS only)
char * name
 The name of the file (in UTF-8)
size_t name_size
 The number of bytes allocated to name.
TSK_INUM_T par_addr
 Metadata address of parent directory (equal to meta_addr if this entry is for root directory).
uint32_t par_seq
 Sequence number for parent directory (NTFS only)
char * shrt_name
 The short name of the file or null (in UTF-8)
size_t shrt_name_size
 The number of bytes allocated to shrt_name.
int tag
 File type information (directory, file, etc.)

Detailed Description

Generic structure to store the file name information that is stored in a directory.

Most file systems seperate the file name from the metadata, but some do not (such as FAT). This structure contains the name and address of the metadata.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2007-2015 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.