Sleuth Kit Java Bindings (JNI)  4.10.0
Java bindings for using The Sleuth Kit
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Sleuth Kit Data Model
3  *
4  * Copyright 2011-2018 Basis Technology Corp.
5  * Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
19 package org.sleuthkit.datamodel;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import;
24 import java.text.DateFormat;
25 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
26 import java.util.ArrayList;
27 import java.util.Arrays;
28 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
29 import java.util.HashMap;
30 import java.util.HashSet;
31 import java.util.List;
32 import java.util.Map;
33 import java.util.Set;
34 import java.util.TimeZone;
35 import java.util.UUID;
36 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
37 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
38 import java.util.logging.Level;
39 import java.util.logging.Logger;
40 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
52 public class SleuthkitJNI {
54  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SleuthkitJNI.class.getName());
62  private static final ReadWriteLock tskLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
64  /*
65  * Loads the SleuthKit libraries.
66  */
67  static {
69  }
75  private SleuthkitJNI() {
76  }
81  private static class CaseHandles {
82  /*
83  * A SleuthKit image handle cache implemented as a mappng of
84  * concatenated image file paths to image handles.
85  */
86  private final Map<String, Long> imageHandleCache = new HashMap<>();
88  /*
89  * A SleuthKit file system handles cache implemented as a mapping of
90  * image handles to image offset and file system handle pairs.
91  */
92  private final Map<Long, Map<Long, Long>> fsHandleCache = new HashMap<>();
94  /*
95  * The collection of open file handles. We will only allow requests
96  * through to the C code if the file handle exists in this collection.
97  */
98  private final Set<Long> fileHandleCache = new HashSet<>();
100  private final Map<Long, List<Long>> fileSystemToFileHandles = new HashMap<>();
102  private final Map<Long, Map<Long, Long>> poolHandleCache = new HashMap<>();
104  // The poolImgCache is only used to close the images later.
105  private final List<Long> poolImgCache = new ArrayList<>();
107  /*
108  * Currently, our APFS code is not thread-safe and it is the only code
109  * that uses pools. To prevent crashes, we make any reads to a file system
110  * contained in a pool single-threaded. This cache keeps track of which
111  * open file system handles are contained in a pool so we can set the locks
112  * appropriately.
113  */
114  private final List<Long> poolFsList = new ArrayList<>();
116  private CaseHandles() {
117  // Nothing to do here
118  }
119  }
127  private static class HandleCache {
129  /*
130  * A monitor used to guard access to cached Sleuthkit JNI handles.
131  */
132  private static final Object cacheLock = new Object();
134  private static final Map<String, CaseHandles> caseHandlesCache = new HashMap<>();
136  private static final String INVALID_FILE_HANDLE = "Invalid file handle."; //NON-NLS
138  /*
139  * Currently, our APFS code is not thread-safe and it is the only code
140  * that uses pools. To prevent crashes, we make any reads to a file system
141  * contained in a pool single-threaded. This cache keeps track of which
142  * open file handles are contained in a pool so we can set the locks
143  * appropriately.
144  *
145  * Access to this list should be guarded by cacheLock.
146  */
147  private static final List<Long> poolFileHandles = new ArrayList<>();
154  private static void createCaseHandleCache(String caseIdentifier) {
155  caseHandlesCache.put(caseIdentifier, new CaseHandles());
156  }
166  private static String getDefaultCaseIdentifier() throws TskCoreException {
167  synchronized (cacheLock) {
168  if (caseHandlesCache.keySet().size() > 1) {
169  throw new TskCoreException("Can not get default case identifier with multiple open cases");
170  } else if (caseHandlesCache.keySet().isEmpty()) {
171  throw new TskCoreException("Can not get default case identifier with no open case");
172  }
174  return (caseHandlesCache.keySet().iterator().next());
175  }
176  }
187  private static CaseHandles getCaseHandles(String caseIdentifier) throws TskCoreException {
188  synchronized (cacheLock) {
189  if (caseHandlesCache.containsKey(caseIdentifier)) {
190  return caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier);
191  }
192  // If the CaseHandles object isn't in there, it should mean the case has been closed.
193  throw new TskCoreException("No entry for case " + caseIdentifier + " in cache. Case may have been closed");
194  }
195  }
202  private static void removeCaseHandlesCache(String caseIdentifier) {
203  synchronized (cacheLock) {
204  if (caseHandlesCache.containsKey(caseIdentifier)) {
205  caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).fsHandleCache.clear();
206  caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).imageHandleCache.clear();
207  caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).fileHandleCache.clear();
208  caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).fileSystemToFileHandles.clear();
209  caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).poolHandleCache.clear();
210  caseHandlesCache.remove(caseIdentifier);
211  }
212  }
213  }
222  private static boolean isImageInAnyCache(long imgHandle) {
223  synchronized (cacheLock) {
224  for (String caseIdentifier:caseHandlesCache.keySet()) {
225  if (caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).fsHandleCache.keySet().contains(imgHandle)) {
226  return true;
227  }
228  }
229  return false;
230  }
231  }
240  private static void addFileHandle(String caseIdentifier, long fileHandle, long fsHandle) {
241  try {
242  synchronized (cacheLock) {
243  // Add to collection of open file handles.
244  getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fileHandleCache.add(fileHandle);
246  // Add to map of file system to file handles.
247  if (getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fileSystemToFileHandles.containsKey(fsHandle)) {
248  getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fileSystemToFileHandles.get(fsHandle).add(fileHandle);
249  } else {
250  getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fileSystemToFileHandles.put(fsHandle, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(fileHandle)));
251  }
252  }
253  } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
254  logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error caching file handle for case {0}", caseIdentifier);
255  }
256  }
264  private static void removeFileHandle(long fileHandle, SleuthkitCase skCase) {
265  synchronized (cacheLock) {
266  // Remove from collection of open file handles.
267  if (skCase != null) {
268  try {
269  getCaseHandles(skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier()).fileHandleCache.remove(fileHandle);
270  } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
271  // If the call to getCaseHandles() failed, we've already cleared the cache.
272  }
273  } else {
274  // If we don't know what case the handle is from, delete the first one we find
275  for (String caseIdentifier:caseHandlesCache.keySet()) {
276  if (caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).fileHandleCache.contains(fileHandle)) {
277  caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).fileHandleCache.remove(fileHandle);
278  return;
279  }
280  }
281  }
282  }
283  }
292  private static boolean isValidFileHandle(long fileHandle) {
293  synchronized (cacheLock) {
294  for (String caseIdentifier:caseHandlesCache.keySet()) {
295  if (caseHandlesCache.get(caseIdentifier).fileHandleCache.contains(fileHandle)) {
296  return true;
297  }
298  }
299  return false;
300  }
301  }
303  private static void closeHandlesAndClearCache(String caseIdentifier) throws TskCoreException {
304  synchronized (cacheLock) {
305  /*
306  * Close any cached file system handles.
307  */
308  for (Map<Long, Long> imageToFsMap : getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fsHandleCache.values()) {
309  for (Long fsHandle : imageToFsMap.values()) {
310  // First close all open file handles for the file system.
311  if (getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fileSystemToFileHandles.containsKey(fsHandle)) {
312  for (Long fileHandle : getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fileSystemToFileHandles.get(fsHandle)) {
313  // Update the cache of file handles contained in pools
314  if (poolFileHandles.contains(fileHandle)) {
315  poolFileHandles.remove(fileHandle);
316  }
317  closeFile(fileHandle);
318  }
319  }
320  // Then close the file system handle.
321  closeFsNat(fsHandle);
322  }
323  }
325  /*
326  * Clear out the list of pool file systems.
327  */
328  getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolFsList.clear();
330  /*
331  * Close any cached pools
332  */
333  for (Long imgHandle : getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolHandleCache.keySet()) {
334  for (Long poolHandle : getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolHandleCache.get(imgHandle).values()) {
335  closePoolNat(poolHandle);
336  }
337  }
339  /*
340  * Close any open pool images
341  */
342  for (Long imageHandle : getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolImgCache) {
343  closeImgNat(imageHandle);
344  }
346  /*
347  * Close any cached image handles.
348  */
349  for (Long imageHandle : getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).imageHandleCache.values()) {
350  closeImgNat(imageHandle);
351  }
353  removeCaseHandlesCache(caseIdentifier);
354  }
356  }
357  }
363  public static class CaseDbHandle {
365  /*
366  * A unique indentifier for a case
367  */
368  private final String caseDbIdentifier;
376  private CaseDbHandle(String databaseName) {
377  this.caseDbIdentifier = "SingleUser:" + databaseName; // NON-NLS
378  HandleCache.createCaseHandleCache(caseDbIdentifier);
379  }
388  private CaseDbHandle(String databaseName, CaseDbConnectionInfo info) {
389  this.caseDbIdentifier = "MultiUser:" + info.getHost() + ":" + databaseName;
390  HandleCache.createCaseHandleCache(caseDbIdentifier);
391  }
398  String getCaseDbIdentifier() {
399  return caseDbIdentifier;
400  }
408  void free() throws TskCoreException {
409  tskLock.writeLock().lock();
410  try {
411  HandleCache.closeHandlesAndClearCache(caseDbIdentifier);
412  //SleuthkitJNI.closeCaseDbNat(caseDbIdentifier);
413  } finally {
414  tskLock.writeLock().unlock();
415  }
416  }
441  long addImageInfo(long deviceObjId, List<String> imageFilePaths, String timeZone, SleuthkitCase skCase) throws TskCoreException {
442  TskCaseDbBridge dbHelper = new TskCaseDbBridge(skCase, new DefaultAddDataSourceCallbacks());
443  try {
444  long tskAutoDbPointer = initializeAddImgNat(dbHelper, timezoneLongToShort(timeZone), false, false, false);
445  runOpenAndAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), imageFilePaths.toArray(new String[0]), imageFilePaths.size(), timeZone);
446  long id = finishAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer);
447  dbHelper.finish();
448  skCase.addDataSourceToHasChildrenMap();
449  return id;
450  } catch (TskDataException ex) {
451  throw new TskCoreException("Error adding image to case database", ex);
452  }
453  }
471  AddImageProcess initAddImageProcess(String timeZone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans, String imageCopyPath, SleuthkitCase skCase) {
472  return new AddImageProcess(timeZone, addUnallocSpace, skipFatFsOrphans, imageCopyPath, skCase);
473  }
479  public class AddImageProcess {
481  private final String timeZone;
482  private final boolean addUnallocSpace;
483  private final boolean skipFatFsOrphans;
484  private final String imageWriterPath;
485  private volatile long tskAutoDbPointer;
486  private long imageId = 0;
487  private boolean isCanceled;
488  private final SleuthkitCase skCase;
489  private TskCaseDbBridge dbHelper;
504  private AddImageProcess(String timeZone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans, String imageWriterPath, SleuthkitCase skCase) {
505  this.timeZone = timeZone;
506  this.addUnallocSpace = addUnallocSpace;
507  this.skipFatFsOrphans = skipFatFsOrphans;
508  this.imageWriterPath = imageWriterPath;
509  tskAutoDbPointer = 0;
510  this.isCanceled = false;
511  this.skCase = skCase;
513  }
531  public void run(String deviceId, String[] imageFilePaths, int sectorSize) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException {
532  Image img = addImageToDatabase(skCase, imageFilePaths, sectorSize, "", "", "", "", deviceId);
533  run(deviceId, img, sectorSize, new DefaultAddDataSourceCallbacks());
534  }
553  public void run(String deviceId, Image image, int sectorSize,
554  AddDataSourceCallbacks addDataSourceCallbacks) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException {
555  dbHelper = new TskCaseDbBridge(skCase, addDataSourceCallbacks);
556  getTSKReadLock();
557  try {
558  long imageHandle = 0;
559  synchronized (this) {
560  if (0 != tskAutoDbPointer) {
561  throw new TskCoreException("Add image process already started");
562  }
563  if (!isCanceled) { //with isCanceled being guarded by this it will have the same value everywhere in this synchronized block
564  imageHandle = image.getImageHandle();
565  tskAutoDbPointer = initAddImgNat(dbHelper, timezoneLongToShort(timeZone), addUnallocSpace, skipFatFsOrphans);
566  }
567  if (0 == tskAutoDbPointer) {
568  throw new TskCoreException("initAddImgNat returned a NULL TskAutoDb pointer");
569  }
570  }
571  if (imageHandle != 0) {
572  runAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer, deviceId, imageHandle, image.getId(), timeZone, imageWriterPath);
573  }
574  } finally {
575  finishAddImageProcess();
576  releaseTSKReadLock();
577  }
578  }
589  public synchronized void stop() throws TskCoreException {
590  getTSKReadLock();
591  try {
592  isCanceled = true;
593  if (tskAutoDbPointer != 0) {
594  stopAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer);
595  }
596  } finally {
597  releaseTSKReadLock();
598  }
599  }
611  private synchronized void finishAddImageProcess() throws TskCoreException {
612  if (tskAutoDbPointer == 0) {
613  return;
614  }
616  // If the process wasn't cancelled, finish up processing the
617  // remaining files.
618  if (! this.isCanceled && dbHelper != null) {
619  dbHelper.finish();
620  }
622  // Free the auto DB pointer and get the image ID
623  imageId = finishAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer);
624  tskAutoDbPointer = 0;
626  skCase.addDataSourceToHasChildrenMap();
627  }
637  @Deprecated
638  public synchronized void revert() throws TskCoreException {
639  // No-op
640  }
653  @Deprecated
654  public synchronized long commit() throws TskCoreException {
655  return imageId;
656  }
664  public synchronized String currentDirectory() {
665  return tskAutoDbPointer == 0 ? "" : getCurDirNat(tskAutoDbPointer); //NON-NLS
666  }
683  @Deprecated
684  public void run(String[] imageFilePaths) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException {
685  run(null, imageFilePaths, 0);
686  }
703  public void run(String deviceId, String[] imageFilePaths) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException {
704  run(deviceId, imageFilePaths, 0);
705  }
706  }
708  }
721  static CaseDbHandle newCaseDb(String path) throws TskCoreException {
722  return new CaseDbHandle(path);
723  }
737  static CaseDbHandle newCaseDb(String databaseName, CaseDbConnectionInfo info) throws TskCoreException {
738  return new CaseDbHandle(databaseName, info);
739  }
752  static CaseDbHandle openCaseDb(String path) throws TskCoreException {
753  return new CaseDbHandle(path);
754  }
768  static CaseDbHandle openCaseDb(String databaseName, CaseDbConnectionInfo info) throws TskCoreException {
769  return new CaseDbHandle(databaseName, info);
770  }
777  public static String getVersion() {
778  return getVersionNat();
779  }
786  public static void startVerboseLogging(String logPath) {
787  startVerboseLoggingNat(logPath);
788  }
801  public static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, SleuthkitCase skCase) throws TskCoreException {
802  if (skCase == null) {
803  throw new TskCoreException("SleuthkitCase can not be null");
804  }
805  return openImage(imageFiles, 0, true, skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier());
806  }
821  public static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, int sSize, SleuthkitCase skCase) throws TskCoreException {
822  if (skCase == null) {
823  throw new TskCoreException("SleuthkitCase can not be null");
824  }
825  return openImage(imageFiles, sSize, true, skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier());
826  }
845  private static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, int sSize, boolean useCache, String caseIdentifer) throws TskCoreException {
846  getTSKReadLock();
847  try {
848  long imageHandle;
850  StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
851  for (int i = 0; i < imageFiles.length; ++i) {
852  keyBuilder.append(imageFiles[i]);
853  }
854  final String imageKey = keyBuilder.toString();
856  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
857  String nonNullCaseIdentifer = caseIdentifer;
858  if (nonNullCaseIdentifer == null) {
859  nonNullCaseIdentifer = HandleCache.getDefaultCaseIdentifier();
860  }
862  // If we're getting a fresh copy and an image with this path is already
863  // in the cache, move the existing cache reference so it won't be used by
864  // any subsequent calls to openImage but will still be valid if any objects
865  // have it cached. This happens in the case where the user adds the same data
866  // source twice (see JIRA-5868).
867  if (!useCache && HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).imageHandleCache.containsKey(imageKey)) {
868  long tempImageHandle = HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).imageHandleCache.get(imageKey);
870  // Store the old image handle in a fake path. This way it will no longer be found but will
871  // still be valid and the image and its file systems will be closed with the case.
872  String newPath = "Image_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
873  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).imageHandleCache.put(newPath, tempImageHandle);
874  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).imageHandleCache.remove(imageKey);
875  }
877  if (useCache && HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).imageHandleCache.containsKey(imageKey)) //get from cache
878  {
879  imageHandle = HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).imageHandleCache.get(imageKey);
880  } else {
881  //open new handle and cache it
882  imageHandle = openImgNat(imageFiles, imageFiles.length, sSize);
883  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).fsHandleCache.put(imageHandle, new HashMap<>());
884  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(nonNullCaseIdentifer).imageHandleCache.put(imageKey, imageHandle);
885  }
886  }
887  return imageHandle;
888  } finally {
889  releaseTSKReadLock();
890  }
891  }
906  private static void cacheImageHandle(SleuthkitCase skCase, List<String> imagePaths, long imageHandle) throws TskCoreException {
908  // Construct the hash key from the image paths
909  StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
910  for (int i = 0; i < imagePaths.size(); ++i) {
911  keyBuilder.append(imagePaths.get(i));
912  }
913  final String imageKey = keyBuilder.toString();
915  // Get the case identifier
916  String caseIdentifier = skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier();
918  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
919  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fsHandleCache.put(imageHandle, new HashMap<>());
920  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).imageHandleCache.put(imageKey, imageHandle);
921  }
922  }
940  public static Image addImageToDatabase(SleuthkitCase skCase, String[] imagePaths, int sectorSize,
941  String timeZone, String md5fromSettings, String sha1fromSettings, String sha256fromSettings, String deviceId) throws TskCoreException {
943  // Open the image
944  long imageHandle = openImgNat(imagePaths, 1, sectorSize);
946  // Get the fields stored in the native code
947  List<String> computedPaths = Arrays.asList(getPathsForImageNat(imageHandle));
948  long size = getSizeForImageNat(imageHandle);
949  long type = getTypeForImageNat(imageHandle);
950  long computedSectorSize = getSectorSizeForImageNat(imageHandle);
951  String md5 = md5fromSettings;
952  if (StringUtils.isEmpty(md5)) {
953  md5 = getMD5HashForImageNat(imageHandle);
954  }
955  String sha1 = sha1fromSettings;
956  if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sha1)) {
957  sha1 = getSha1HashForImageNat(imageHandle);
958  }
959  // Sleuthkit does not currently generate any SHA256 hashes. Set to empty
960  // string for consistency.
961  String sha256 = sha256fromSettings;
962  if (sha256 == null) {
963  sha256 = "";
964  }
965  String collectionDetails = getCollectionDetailsForImageNat(imageHandle);
967  // Now save to database
968  CaseDbTransaction transaction = skCase.beginTransaction();
969  try {
970  Image img = skCase.addImage(TskData.TSK_IMG_TYPE_ENUM.valueOf(type), computedSectorSize,
971  size, null, computedPaths,
972  timeZone, md5, sha1, sha256,
973  deviceId, transaction);
974  if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(collectionDetails)) {
975  skCase.setAcquisitionDetails(img, collectionDetails);
976  }
977  transaction.commit();
979  img.setImageHandle(imageHandle);
980  cacheImageHandle(skCase, computedPaths, imageHandle);
981  return img;
982  } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
983  transaction.rollback();
984  throw(ex);
985  }
986  }
1002  public static long openVs(long imgHandle, long vsOffset) throws TskCoreException {
1003  getTSKReadLock();
1004  try {
1005  if(! imgHandleIsValid(imgHandle)) {
1006  throw new TskCoreException("Image handle " + imgHandle + " is closed");
1007  }
1008  return openVsNat(imgHandle, vsOffset);
1009  } finally {
1010  releaseTSKReadLock();
1011  }
1012  }
1014  //get pointers
1026  public static long openVsPart(long vsHandle, long volId) throws TskCoreException {
1027  getTSKReadLock();
1028  try {
1029  //returned long is ptr to vs Handle object in tsk
1030  return openVolNat(vsHandle, volId);
1031  } finally {
1032  releaseTSKReadLock();
1033  }
1034  }
1047  static long openPool(long imgHandle, long offset, SleuthkitCase skCase) throws TskCoreException {
1048  getTSKReadLock();
1049  try {
1050  if(! imgHandleIsValid(imgHandle)) {
1051  throw new TskCoreException("Image handle " + imgHandle + " is closed");
1052  }
1054  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1055  String caseIdentifier;
1056  if (skCase == null) {
1057  caseIdentifier = HandleCache.getDefaultCaseIdentifier();
1058  } else {
1059  caseIdentifier = skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier();
1060  }
1062  // If a pool handle cache for this image does not exist, make one
1063  if (! HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolHandleCache.containsKey(imgHandle)) {
1064  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolHandleCache.put(imgHandle, new HashMap<>());
1065  }
1067  // Get the pool handle cache for this image
1068  Map<Long, Long> poolCacheForImage = HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolHandleCache.get(imgHandle);
1070  if (poolCacheForImage.containsKey(offset)) {
1071  return poolCacheForImage.get(offset);
1072  } else {
1073  //returned long is ptr to pool Handle object in tsk
1074  long poolHandle = openPoolNat(imgHandle, offset);
1075  poolCacheForImage.put(offset, poolHandle);
1076  return poolHandle;
1077  }
1078  }
1079  } finally {
1080  releaseTSKReadLock();
1081  }
1082  }
1097  public static long openFs(long imgHandle, long fsOffset, SleuthkitCase skCase) throws TskCoreException {
1098  getTSKReadLock();
1099  try {
1100  long fsHandle;
1101  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1102  String caseIdentifier;
1103  if (skCase == null) {
1104  caseIdentifier = HandleCache.getDefaultCaseIdentifier();
1105  } else {
1106  caseIdentifier = skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier();
1107  }
1108  final Map<Long, Long> imgOffSetToFsHandle = HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fsHandleCache.get(imgHandle);
1109  if (imgOffSetToFsHandle == null) {
1110  throw new TskCoreException("Missing image offset to file system handle cache for image handle " + imgHandle);
1111  }
1112  if (imgOffSetToFsHandle.containsKey(fsOffset)) {
1113  //return cached
1114  fsHandle = imgOffSetToFsHandle.get(fsOffset);
1115  } else {
1116  fsHandle = openFsNat(imgHandle, fsOffset);
1117  //cache it
1118  imgOffSetToFsHandle.put(fsOffset, fsHandle);
1119  }
1120  }
1121  return fsHandle;
1122  } finally {
1123  releaseTSKReadLock();
1124  }
1125  }
1143  static long openFsPool(long imgHandle, long fsOffset, long poolHandle, long poolBlock, SleuthkitCase skCase) throws TskCoreException {
1144  /*
1145  * Currently, our APFS code is not thread-safe and it is the only code
1146  * that uses pools. To prevent crashes, we make any reads to a file system
1147  * contained in a pool single-threaded.
1148  */
1149  getTSKWriteLock();
1150  try {
1151  long fsHandle;
1152  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1153  String caseIdentifier;
1154  if (skCase == null) {
1155  caseIdentifier = HandleCache.getDefaultCaseIdentifier();
1156  } else {
1157  caseIdentifier = skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier();
1158  }
1159  final Map<Long, Long> imgOffSetToFsHandle = HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).fsHandleCache.get(imgHandle);
1160  if (imgOffSetToFsHandle == null) {
1161  throw new TskCoreException("Missing image offset to file system handle cache for image handle " + imgHandle);
1162  }
1164  if (imgOffSetToFsHandle.containsKey(poolBlock)) {
1165  //return cached
1166  fsHandle = imgOffSetToFsHandle.get(poolBlock);
1167  } else {
1168  long poolImgHandle = getImgInfoForPoolNat(poolHandle, poolBlock);
1169  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolImgCache.add(poolImgHandle);
1170  fsHandle = openFsNat(poolImgHandle, fsOffset);
1171  //cache it
1172  imgOffSetToFsHandle.put(poolBlock, fsHandle);
1173  HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolFsList.add(fsHandle);
1174  }
1175  }
1176  return fsHandle;
1177  } finally {
1178  releaseTSKWriteLock();
1179  }
1180  }
1196  public static long openFile(long fsHandle, long fileId, TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM attrType, int attrId, SleuthkitCase skCase) throws TskCoreException {
1197  /*
1198  * NOTE: previously attrId used to be stored in AbstractFile as (signed)
1199  * short even though it is stored as uint16 in TSK. In extremely rare
1200  * occurrences attrId can be larger than what a signed short can hold
1201  * (2^15). Changes were made to AbstractFile to store attrId as integer.
1202  * However, a depricated method still exists in AbstractFile to get
1203  * attrId as short. In that method we convert attribute ids that are
1204  * larger than 32K to a negative number. Therefore if encountered, we
1205  * need to convert negative attribute id to uint16 which is what TSK is
1206  * using to store attribute id.
1207  */
1208  boolean withinPool = false;
1209  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1210  String caseIdentifier;
1211  if (skCase == null) {
1212  caseIdentifier = HandleCache.getDefaultCaseIdentifier();
1213  } else {
1214  caseIdentifier = skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier();
1215  }
1216  if (HandleCache.getCaseHandles(caseIdentifier).poolFsList.contains(fsHandle)) {
1217  withinPool = true;
1218  }
1219  }
1221  /*
1222  * The current APFS code is not thread-safe. To compensate, we make any
1223  * reads to the APFS pool single-threaded by obtaining a write
1224  * lock instead of a read lock.
1225  */
1226  if (withinPool) {
1227  getTSKWriteLock();
1228  } else {
1229  getTSKReadLock();
1230  }
1231  try {
1232  long fileHandle = openFileNat(fsHandle, fileId, attrType.getValue(), convertSignedToUnsigned(attrId));
1233  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1234  String caseIdentifier;
1235  if (skCase == null) {
1236  caseIdentifier = HandleCache.getDefaultCaseIdentifier();
1237  } else {
1238  caseIdentifier = skCase.getCaseHandleIdentifier();
1239  }
1240  HandleCache.addFileHandle(caseIdentifier, fileHandle, fsHandle);
1242  // If this file is in a pool file system, record it so the locks
1243  // can be set appropriately when reading it.
1244  if (withinPool) {
1245  HandleCache.poolFileHandles.add(fileHandle);
1246  }
1247  }
1248  return fileHandle;
1249  } finally {
1250  if (withinPool) {
1251  releaseTSKWriteLock();
1252  } else {
1253  releaseTSKReadLock();
1254  }
1255  }
1256  }
1265  private static int convertSignedToUnsigned(int val) {
1266  if (val >= 0) {
1267  return val;
1268  }
1270  return val & 0xffff; // convert negative value to positive value
1271  }
1278  private static boolean imgHandleIsValid(long imgHandle) {
1279  synchronized(HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1280  return HandleCache.isImageInAnyCache(imgHandle);
1281  }
1282  }
1284  //do reads
1299  public static int readImg(long imgHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
1300  getTSKReadLock();
1301  try {
1302  if(! imgHandleIsValid(imgHandle)) {
1303  throw new TskCoreException("Image handle " + imgHandle + " is closed");
1304  }
1305  //returned byte[] is the data buffer
1306  return readImgNat(imgHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
1307  } finally {
1308  releaseTSKReadLock();
1309  }
1310  }
1326  public static int readVs(long vsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
1327  getTSKReadLock();
1328  try {
1329  return readVsNat(vsHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
1330  } finally {
1331  releaseTSKReadLock();
1332  }
1333  }
1347  static int readPool(long poolHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
1348  getTSKReadLock();
1349  try {
1350  return readPoolNat(poolHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
1351  } finally {
1352  releaseTSKReadLock();
1353  }
1354  }
1370  public static int readVsPart(long volHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
1371  getTSKReadLock();
1372  try {
1373  //returned byte[] is the data buffer
1374  return readVolNat(volHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
1375  } finally {
1376  releaseTSKReadLock();
1377  }
1378  }
1394  public static int readFs(long fsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
1395  getTSKReadLock();
1396  try {
1397  //returned byte[] is the data buffer
1398  return readFsNat(fsHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
1399  } finally {
1400  releaseTSKReadLock();
1401  }
1402  }
1408  private enum TSK_FS_FILE_READ_OFFSET_TYPE_ENUM {
1409  START_OF_FILE(0),
1410  START_OF_SLACK(1);
1412  private final int val;
1415  this.val = val;
1416  }
1418  int getValue() {
1419  return val;
1420  }
1421  }
1437  public static int readFile(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
1438  boolean withinPool = false;
1439  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1440  if (HandleCache.poolFileHandles.contains(fileHandle)) {
1441  withinPool = true;
1442  }
1443  }
1445  /*
1446  * The current APFS code is not thread-safe. To compensate, we make any
1447  * reads to the APFS pool single-threaded by obtaining a write
1448  * lock instead of a read lock.
1449  */
1450  if (withinPool) {
1451  getTSKWriteLock();
1452  } else {
1453  getTSKReadLock();
1454  }
1455  try {
1456  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
1457  throw new TskCoreException(HandleCache.INVALID_FILE_HANDLE);
1458  }
1460  return readFileNat(fileHandle, readBuffer, offset, TSK_FS_FILE_READ_OFFSET_TYPE_ENUM.START_OF_FILE.getValue(), len);
1461  } finally {
1462  if (withinPool) {
1463  releaseTSKWriteLock();
1464  } else {
1465  releaseTSKReadLock();
1466  }
1467  }
1468  }
1484  public static int readFileSlack(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
1485  getTSKReadLock();
1486  try {
1487  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
1488  throw new TskCoreException(HandleCache.INVALID_FILE_HANDLE);
1489  }
1491  return readFileNat(fileHandle, readBuffer, offset, TSK_FS_FILE_READ_OFFSET_TYPE_ENUM.START_OF_SLACK.getValue(), len);
1492  } finally {
1493  releaseTSKReadLock();
1494  }
1495  }
1507  public static List<String> getFileMetaDataText(long fileHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1508  getTSKReadLock();
1509  try {
1510  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
1511  throw new TskCoreException(HandleCache.INVALID_FILE_HANDLE);
1512  }
1514  try {
1515 tmp ="tsk", ".txt");
1517  saveFileMetaDataTextNat(fileHandle, tmp.getAbsolutePath());
1519  FileReader fr = new FileReader(tmp.getAbsolutePath());
1520  BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(fr);
1522  List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
1523  while (true) {
1524  String line = textReader.readLine();
1525  if (line == null) {
1526  break;
1527  }
1528  lines.add(line);
1529  }
1530  textReader.close();
1531  fr.close();
1532  tmp.delete();
1533  return lines;
1534  } catch (IOException ex) {
1535  throw new TskCoreException("Error reading istat output: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());
1536  }
1537  } finally {
1538  releaseTSKReadLock();
1539  }
1540  }
1547  public static void closeFile(long fileHandle) {
1548  closeFile(fileHandle, null);
1549  }
1557  public static void closeFile(long fileHandle, SleuthkitCase skCase) {
1558  boolean withinPool = false;
1559  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1560  if (HandleCache.poolFileHandles.contains(fileHandle)) {
1561  withinPool = true;
1562  }
1563  }
1565  /*
1566  * The current APFS code is not thread-safe. To compensate, we make any
1567  * reads to the APFS pool single-threaded by obtaining a write
1568  * lock instead of a read lock.
1569  */
1570  if (withinPool) {
1571  getTSKWriteLock();
1572  } else {
1573  getTSKReadLock();
1574  }
1575  try {
1576  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
1577  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
1578  // File handle is not open so this is a no-op.
1579  return;
1580  }
1581  closeFileNat(fileHandle);
1582  HandleCache.removeFileHandle(fileHandle, skCase);
1583  if (HandleCache.poolFileHandles.contains(fileHandle)) {
1584  HandleCache.poolFileHandles.remove(fileHandle);
1585  }
1586  }
1587  } finally {
1588  if (withinPool) {
1589  releaseTSKWriteLock();
1590  } else {
1591  releaseTSKReadLock();
1592  }
1593  }
1594  }
1603  public static void createLookupIndexForHashDatabase(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1604  hashDbCreateIndexNat(dbHandle);
1605  }
1616  public static boolean hashDatabaseHasLookupIndex(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1617  return hashDbIndexExistsNat(dbHandle);
1618  }
1630  public static boolean hashDatabaseCanBeReindexed(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1631  return hashDbIsReindexableNat(dbHandle);
1632  }
1643  public static String getHashDatabasePath(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1644  return hashDbPathNat(dbHandle);
1645  }
1656  public static String getHashDatabaseIndexPath(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1657  return hashDbIndexPathNat(dbHandle);
1658  }
1666  public static int openHashDatabase(String path) throws TskCoreException {
1667  return hashDbOpenNat(path);
1668  }
1679  public static int createHashDatabase(String path) throws TskCoreException {
1680  return hashDbNewNat(path);
1681  }
1689  public static void closeAllHashDatabases() throws TskCoreException {
1690  hashDbCloseAll();
1691  }
1702  public static void closeHashDatabase(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1703  hashDbClose(dbHandle);
1704  }
1715  public static String getHashDatabaseDisplayName(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1716  return hashDbGetDisplayName(dbHandle);
1717  }
1729  public static boolean lookupInHashDatabase(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1730  return hashDbLookup(hash, dbHandle);
1731  }
1744  public static HashHitInfo lookupInHashDatabaseVerbose(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1745  return hashDbLookupVerbose(hash, dbHandle);
1746  }
1760  public static void addToHashDatabase(String filename, String md5, String sha1, String sha256, String comment, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1761  hashDbAddEntryNat(filename, md5, sha1, sha256, comment, dbHandle);
1762  }
1764  public static void addToHashDatabase(List<HashEntry> hashes, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1765  hashDbBeginTransactionNat(dbHandle);
1766  try {
1767  for (HashEntry entry : hashes) {
1768  hashDbAddEntryNat(entry.getFileName(), entry.getMd5Hash(), entry.getSha1Hash(), entry.getSha256Hash(), entry.getComment(), dbHandle);
1769  }
1770  hashDbCommitTransactionNat(dbHandle);
1771  } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
1772  try {
1773  hashDbRollbackTransactionNat(dbHandle);
1774  } catch (TskCoreException ex2) {
1775  ex2.initCause(ex);
1776  throw ex2;
1777  }
1778  throw ex;
1779  }
1780  }
1782  public static boolean isUpdateableHashDatabase(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1783  return hashDbIsUpdateableNat(dbHandle);
1784  }
1786  public static boolean hashDatabaseIsIndexOnly(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1787  return hashDbIsIdxOnlyNat(dbHandle);
1788  }
1799  private static String timezoneLongToShort(String timezoneLongForm) {
1800  if (timezoneLongForm == null || timezoneLongForm.isEmpty()) {
1801  return "";
1802  }
1804  String timezoneShortForm;
1805  TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneLongForm);
1806  int offset = zone.getRawOffset() / 1000;
1807  int hour = offset / 3600;
1808  int min = (offset % 3600) / 60;
1809  DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("z");
1810  dfm.setTimeZone(zone);
1811  boolean hasDaylight = zone.useDaylightTime();
1812  String first = dfm.format(new GregorianCalendar(2010, 1, 1).getTime()).substring(0, 3); // make it only 3 letters code
1813  String second = dfm.format(new GregorianCalendar(2011, 6, 6).getTime()).substring(0, 3); // make it only 3 letters code
1814  int mid = hour * -1;
1815  timezoneShortForm = first + Integer.toString(mid);
1816  if (min != 0) {
1817  timezoneShortForm = timezoneShortForm + ":" + (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + Integer.toString(min);
1818  }
1819  if (hasDaylight) {
1820  timezoneShortForm += second;
1821  }
1822  return timezoneShortForm;
1823  }
1835  public static int finishImageWriter(long imgHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1836  getTSKReadLock();
1837  try {
1838  if(! imgHandleIsValid(imgHandle)) {
1839  throw new TskCoreException("Image handle " + imgHandle + " is closed");
1840  }
1841  return finishImageWriterNat(imgHandle);
1842  } finally {
1843  releaseTSKReadLock();
1844  }
1845  }
1854  public static int getFinishImageProgress(long imgHandle) {
1855  getTSKReadLock();
1856  try {
1857  if (imgHandleIsValid(imgHandle)) {
1858  return getFinishImageProgressNat(imgHandle);
1859  } else {
1860  return 0;
1861  }
1862  } finally {
1863  releaseTSKReadLock();
1864  }
1865  }
1872  public static void cancelFinishImage(long imgHandle) {
1873  getTSKReadLock();
1874  try {
1875  if (imgHandleIsValid(imgHandle)) {
1876  cancelFinishImageNat(imgHandle);
1877  }
1878  } finally {
1879  releaseTSKReadLock();
1880  }
1881  }
1894  public static long findDeviceSize(String devPath) throws TskCoreException {
1895  return findDeviceSizeNat(devPath);
1896  }
1898  public static boolean isImageSupported(String imagePath) {
1899  return isImageSupportedNat(imagePath);
1900  }
1915  static long getSleuthkitVersion() {
1916  return getSleuthkitVersionNat();
1917  }
1923  private static void getTSKReadLock() {
1924  tskLock.readLock().lock();
1925  }
1930  private static void releaseTSKReadLock() {
1931  tskLock.readLock().unlock();
1932  }
1941  private static void getTSKWriteLock() {
1942  tskLock.writeLock().lock();
1943  }
1948  private static void releaseTSKWriteLock() {
1949  tskLock.writeLock().unlock();
1950  }
1952  //free pointers
1959  @Deprecated
1960  public static void closeImg(long imgHandle) {
1961  //closeImgNat(imgHandle);
1962  }
1969  @Deprecated
1970  public static void closeVs(long vsHandle) {
1971  // closeVsNat(vsHandle); TODO JIRA-3829
1972  }
1980  @Deprecated
1981  public static void closeFs(long fsHandle) {
1982  //closeFsNat(fsHandle);
1983  }
1996  @Deprecated
1997  public static long openImage(String[] imageFiles) throws TskCoreException {
1999  return openImage(imageFiles, 0, true, null);
2000  }
2015  @Deprecated
2016  public static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, int sSize) throws TskCoreException {
2017  return openImage(imageFiles, sSize, true, null);
2018  }
2034  @Deprecated
2035  public static long openFs(long imgHandle, long fsOffset) throws TskCoreException {
2036  return openFs(imgHandle, fsOffset, null);
2037  }
2053  @Deprecated
2054  public static long openFile(long fsHandle, long fileId, TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM attrType, int attrId) throws TskCoreException {
2055  return openFile(fsHandle, fileId, attrType, attrId, null);
2056  }
2059  private static native String getVersionNat();
2061  private static native void startVerboseLoggingNat(String logPath);
2063  private static native int hashDbOpenNat(String hashDbPath) throws TskCoreException;
2065  private static native int hashDbNewNat(String hashDbPath) throws TskCoreException;
2067  private static native int hashDbBeginTransactionNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2069  private static native int hashDbCommitTransactionNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2071  private static native int hashDbRollbackTransactionNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2073  private static native int hashDbAddEntryNat(String filename, String hashMd5, String hashSha1, String hashSha256, String comment, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2075  private static native boolean hashDbIsUpdateableNat(int dbHandle);
2077  private static native boolean hashDbIsReindexableNat(int dbHandle);
2079  private static native String hashDbPathNat(int dbHandle);
2081  private static native String hashDbIndexPathNat(int dbHandle);
2083  private static native String hashDbGetDisplayName(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2085  private static native void hashDbCloseAll() throws TskCoreException;
2087  private static native void hashDbClose(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2089  private static native void hashDbCreateIndexNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2091  private static native boolean hashDbIndexExistsNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2093  private static native boolean hashDbIsIdxOnlyNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2095  private static native boolean hashDbLookup(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2097  private static native HashHitInfo hashDbLookupVerbose(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
2099  private static native long initAddImgNat(TskCaseDbBridge dbHelperObj, String timezone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans) throws TskCoreException;
2101  private static native long initializeAddImgNat(TskCaseDbBridge dbHelperObj, String timezone, boolean addFileSystems, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans) throws TskCoreException;
2103  private static native void runOpenAndAddImgNat(long process, String deviceId, String[] imgPath, int splits, String timezone) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException;
2105  private static native void runAddImgNat(long process, String deviceId, long a_img_info, long image_id, String timeZone, String imageWriterPath) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException;
2107  private static native void stopAddImgNat(long process) throws TskCoreException;
2109  private static native long finishAddImgNat(long process) throws TskCoreException;
2111  private static native long openImgNat(String[] imgPath, int splits, int sSize) throws TskCoreException;
2113  private static native long openVsNat(long imgHandle, long vsOffset) throws TskCoreException;
2115  private static native long openVolNat(long vsHandle, long volId) throws TskCoreException;
2117  private static native long openPoolNat(long imgHandle, long offset) throws TskCoreException;
2119  private static native long getImgInfoForPoolNat(long poolHandle, long poolOffset) throws TskCoreException;
2121  private static native long openFsNat(long imgHandle, long fsId) throws TskCoreException;
2123  private static native long openFileNat(long fsHandle, long fileId, int attrType, int attrId) throws TskCoreException;
2125  private static native int readImgNat(long imgHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
2127  private static native int readVsNat(long vsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
2129  private static native int readPoolNat(long poolHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
2131  private static native int readVolNat(long volHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
2133  private static native int readFsNat(long fsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
2135  private static native int readFileNat(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, int offset_type, long len) throws TskCoreException;
2137  private static native int saveFileMetaDataTextNat(long fileHandle, String fileName) throws TskCoreException;
2139  private static native String[] getPathsForImageNat(long imgHandle);
2141  private static native long getSizeForImageNat(long imgHandle);
2143  private static native long getTypeForImageNat(long imgHandle);
2145  private static native long getSectorSizeForImageNat(long imgHandle);
2147  private static native String getMD5HashForImageNat(long imgHandle);
2149  private static native String getSha1HashForImageNat(long imgHandle);
2151  private static native String getCollectionDetailsForImageNat(long imgHandle);
2153  private static native void closeImgNat(long imgHandle);
2155  private static native void closePoolNat(long poolHandle);
2157  private static native void closeVsNat(long vsHandle);
2159  private static native void closeFsNat(long fsHandle);
2161  private static native void closeFileNat(long fileHandle);
2163  private static native long findDeviceSizeNat(String devicePath) throws TskCoreException;
2165  private static native String getCurDirNat(long process);
2167  private static native boolean isImageSupportedNat(String imagePath);
2169  private static native long getSleuthkitVersionNat();
2171  private static native int finishImageWriterNat(long a_img_info);
2173  private static native int getFinishImageProgressNat(long a_img_info);
2175  private static native void cancelFinishImageNat(long a_img_info);
2177 }
static int readImg(long imgHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static String getHashDatabaseIndexPath(int dbHandle)
static int readVs(long vsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static void createLookupIndexForHashDatabase(int dbHandle)
void run(String deviceId, Image image, int sectorSize, AddDataSourceCallbacks addDataSourceCallbacks)
static void addToHashDatabase(String filename, String md5, String sha1, String sha256, String comment, int dbHandle)
static long openFile(long fsHandle, long fileId, TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM attrType, int attrId, SleuthkitCase skCase)
static int createHashDatabase(String path)
static void closeFs(long fsHandle)
static void cancelFinishImage(long imgHandle)
static long openFile(long fsHandle, long fileId, TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM attrType, int attrId)
void run(String deviceId, String[] imageFilePaths)
static int readFile(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static int finishImageWriter(long imgHandle)
static HashHitInfo lookupInHashDatabaseVerbose(String hash, int dbHandle)
static long openVs(long imgHandle, long vsOffset)
static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, SleuthkitCase skCase)
static boolean hashDatabaseIsIndexOnly(int dbHandle)
static boolean isImageSupported(String imagePath)
static int readVsPart(long volHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static void closeFile(long fileHandle, SleuthkitCase skCase)
static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, int sSize)
static void closeVs(long vsHandle)
static long openImage(String[] imageFiles)
static long openFs(long imgHandle, long fsOffset, SleuthkitCase skCase)
static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, int sSize, SleuthkitCase skCase)
void run(String deviceId, String[] imageFilePaths, int sectorSize)
static long findDeviceSize(String devPath)
static String getHashDatabaseDisplayName(int dbHandle)
static List< String > getFileMetaDataText(long fileHandle)
static void closeImg(long imgHandle)
static long openFs(long imgHandle, long fsOffset)
Image addImage(TskData.TSK_IMG_TYPE_ENUM type, long sectorSize, long size, String displayName, List< String > imagePaths, String timezone, String md5, String sha1, String sha256, String deviceId, CaseDbTransaction transaction)
static int getFinishImageProgress(long imgHandle)
static int openHashDatabase(String path)
static void closeFile(long fileHandle)
static boolean lookupInHashDatabase(String hash, int dbHandle)
static TSK_IMG_TYPE_ENUM valueOf(long imgType)
static boolean hashDatabaseHasLookupIndex(int dbHandle)
static Image addImageToDatabase(SleuthkitCase skCase, String[] imagePaths, int sectorSize, String timeZone, String md5fromSettings, String sha1fromSettings, String sha256fromSettings, String deviceId)
static long openVsPart(long vsHandle, long volId)
static int readFileSlack(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static boolean isUpdateableHashDatabase(int dbHandle)
static void addToHashDatabase(List< HashEntry > hashes, int dbHandle)
static boolean hashDatabaseCanBeReindexed(int dbHandle)
static void startVerboseLogging(String logPath)
static int readFs(long fsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static String getHashDatabasePath(int dbHandle)
static void closeHashDatabase(int dbHandle)

Copyright © 2011-2020 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.