Sleuth Kit Java Bindings (JNI)  4.5.0
Java bindings for using The Sleuth Kit
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Sleuth Kit Data Model
3  *
4  * Copyright 2011-2017 Basis Technology Corp.
5  * Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
19 package org.sleuthkit.datamodel;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import;
24 import java.text.DateFormat;
25 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
26 import java.util.ArrayList;
27 import java.util.Arrays;
28 import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
29 import java.util.HashMap;
30 import java.util.HashSet;
31 import java.util.List;
32 import java.util.Map;
33 import java.util.Set;
34 import java.util.TimeZone;
35 import java.util.UUID;
46 public class SleuthkitJNI {
48  /*
49  * Loads the SleuthKit libraries.
50  */
51  static {
53  }
59  private SleuthkitJNI() {
60  }
68  private static class HandleCache {
70  /*
71  * A monitor used to guard access to cached Sleuthkit JNI handles.
72  */
73  private static final Object cacheLock = new Object();
75  /*
76  * A SleuthKit image handle cache implemented as a mappng of
77  * concatenated image file paths to image handles.
78  */
79  private static final Map<String, Long> imageHandleCache = new HashMap<String, Long>();
81  /*
82  * A SleuthKit file system handles cache implemented as a mapping of
83  * image handles to image offset and file system handle pairs.
84  */
85  private static final Map<Long, Map<Long, Long>> fsHandleCache = new HashMap<Long, Map<Long, Long>>();
87  /*
88  * The collection of open file handles. We will only allow requests
89  * through to the C code if the file handle exists in this collection.
90  */
91  private static final Set<Long> fileHandleCache = new HashSet<Long>();
93  private static final Map<Long, List<Long>> fileSystemToFileHandles = new HashMap<Long, List<Long>>();
95  private static final String INVALID_FILE_HANDLE = "Invalid file handle."; //NON-NLS
103  private static void addFileHandle(long fileHandle, long fsHandle) {
104  synchronized (cacheLock) {
105  // Add to collection of open file handles.
106  fileHandleCache.add(fileHandle);
108  // Add to map of file system to file handles.
109  if (fileSystemToFileHandles.containsKey(fsHandle)) {
110  fileSystemToFileHandles.get(fsHandle).add(fileHandle);
111  } else {
112  fileSystemToFileHandles.put(fsHandle, new ArrayList<Long>(Arrays.asList(fileHandle)));
113  }
114  }
115  }
117  private static void removeFileHandle(long fileHandle) {
118  synchronized (cacheLock) {
119  // Remove from collection of open file handles.
120  fileHandleCache.remove(fileHandle);
121  }
122  }
124  private static boolean isValidFileHandle(long fileHandle) {
125  synchronized (cacheLock) {
126  return fileHandleCache.contains(fileHandle);
127  }
128  }
130  private static void closeHandlesAndClearCache() throws TskCoreException {
131  synchronized (cacheLock) {
132  /*
133  * Close any cached file system handles.
134  */
135  for (Map<Long, Long> imageToFsMap : fsHandleCache.values()) {
136  for (Long fsHandle : imageToFsMap.values()) {
137  // First close all open file handles for the file system.
138  for (Long fileHandle : fileSystemToFileHandles.get(fsHandle)) {
139  closeFile(fileHandle);
140  }
141  // Then close the file system handle.
142  closeFsNat(fsHandle);
143  }
144  }
146  /*
147  * Close any cached image handles.
148  */
149  for (Long imageHandle : imageHandleCache.values()) {
150  closeImgNat(imageHandle);
151  }
153  fsHandleCache.clear();
154  imageHandleCache.clear();
155  fileHandleCache.clear();
156  fileSystemToFileHandles.clear();
157  }
159  }
160  }
166  public static class CaseDbHandle {
168  /*
169  * A pointer to a TskCaseDb object.
170  */
171  private final long caseDbPointer;
179  private CaseDbHandle(long caseDbPointer) {
180  this.caseDbPointer = caseDbPointer;
181  }
189  void free() throws TskCoreException {
191  SleuthkitJNI.closeCaseDbNat(caseDbPointer);
192  }
217  long addImageInfo(long deviceObjId, List<String> imageFilePaths, String timeZone) throws TskCoreException {
218  try {
219  long tskAutoDbPointer = initializeAddImgNat(caseDbPointer, timezoneLongToShort(timeZone), false, false, false);
220  runOpenAndAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), imageFilePaths.toArray(new String[0]), imageFilePaths.size(), timeZone);
221  return commitAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer);
222  } catch (TskDataException ex) {
223  throw new TskCoreException("Error adding image to case database", ex);
224  }
225  }
243  AddImageProcess initAddImageProcess(String timeZone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans, String imageCopyPath) {
244  return new AddImageProcess(timeZone, addUnallocSpace, skipFatFsOrphans, imageCopyPath);
245  }
251  public class AddImageProcess {
253  private final String timeZone;
254  private final boolean addUnallocSpace;
255  private final boolean skipFatFsOrphans;
256  private final String imageWriterPath;
257  private volatile long tskAutoDbPointer;
258  private boolean isCanceled;
273  private AddImageProcess(String timeZone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans, String imageWriterPath) {
274  this.timeZone = timeZone;
275  this.addUnallocSpace = addUnallocSpace;
276  this.skipFatFsOrphans = skipFatFsOrphans;
277  this.imageWriterPath = imageWriterPath;
278  tskAutoDbPointer = 0;
279  this.isCanceled = false;
280  }
299  public void run(String deviceId, String[] imageFilePaths) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException {
300  long imageHandle = 0;
301  synchronized (this) {
302  if (0 != tskAutoDbPointer) {
303  throw new TskCoreException("Add image process already started");
304  }
305  if (!isCanceled) { //with isCanceled being guarded by this it will have the same value everywhere in this synchronized block
306  imageHandle = openImage(imageFilePaths, false);
307  tskAutoDbPointer = initAddImgNat(caseDbPointer, timezoneLongToShort(timeZone), addUnallocSpace, skipFatFsOrphans);
308  }
309  if (0 == tskAutoDbPointer) {
310  throw new TskCoreException("initAddImgNat returned a NULL TskAutoDb pointer");
311  }
312  }
313  if (imageHandle != 0) {
314  runAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer, deviceId, imageHandle, timeZone, imageWriterPath);
315  }
316  }
327  public synchronized void stop() throws TskCoreException {
328  isCanceled = true;
329  if (tskAutoDbPointer != 0) {
330  stopAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer);
331  }
332  }
341  public synchronized void revert() throws TskCoreException {
342  if (tskAutoDbPointer == 0) {
343  throw new TskCoreException("AddImgProcess::revert: AutoDB pointer is NULL");
344  }
346  revertAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer);
347  // the native code deleted the object
348  tskAutoDbPointer = 0;
349  }
360  public synchronized long commit() throws TskCoreException {
361  if (tskAutoDbPointer == 0) {
362  throw new TskCoreException("AddImgProcess::commit: AutoDB pointer is NULL");
363  }
365  long id = commitAddImgNat(tskAutoDbPointer);
366  // the native code deleted the object
367  tskAutoDbPointer = 0;
368  return id;
369  }
377  public synchronized String currentDirectory() {
378  return tskAutoDbPointer == 0 ? "" : getCurDirNat(tskAutoDbPointer); //NON-NLS
379  }
396  @Deprecated
397  public void run(String[] imageFilePaths) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException {
398  run(null, imageFilePaths);
399  }
400  }
402  }
415  static CaseDbHandle newCaseDb(String path) throws TskCoreException {
416  return new CaseDbHandle(newCaseDbNat(path));
417  }
431  static CaseDbHandle newCaseDb(String databaseName, CaseDbConnectionInfo info) throws TskCoreException {
432  return new CaseDbHandle(newCaseDbMultiNat(info.getHost(), info.getPort(), info.getUserName(), info.getPassword(), info.getDbType().ordinal(), databaseName));
433  }
446  static CaseDbHandle openCaseDb(String path) throws TskCoreException {
447  return new CaseDbHandle(openCaseDbNat(path));
448  }
462  static CaseDbHandle openCaseDb(String databaseName, CaseDbConnectionInfo info) throws TskCoreException {
463  return new CaseDbHandle(openCaseDbMultiNat(info.getHost(), info.getPort(), info.getUserName(), info.getPassword(), info.getDbType().ordinal(), databaseName));
464  }
471  public static String getVersion() {
472  return getVersionNat();
473  }
478  public static void startVerboseLogging(String logPath) {
479  startVerboseLoggingNat(logPath);
480  }
492  public static long openImage(String[] imageFiles) throws TskCoreException {
493  return openImage(imageFiles, true);
494  }
511  private static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, boolean useCache) throws TskCoreException {
513  long imageHandle;
515  StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
516  for (int i = 0; i < imageFiles.length; ++i) {
517  keyBuilder.append(imageFiles[i]);
518  }
519  final String imageKey = keyBuilder.toString();
521  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
522  // If we're getting a fresh copy, remove any existing cache references
523  if (!useCache && HandleCache.imageHandleCache.containsKey(imageKey)) {
524  long tempImageHandle = HandleCache.imageHandleCache.get(imageKey);
525  HandleCache.fsHandleCache.remove(tempImageHandle);
526  HandleCache.imageHandleCache.remove(imageKey);
527  }
529  if (useCache && HandleCache.imageHandleCache.containsKey(imageKey)) //get from cache
530  {
531  imageHandle = HandleCache.imageHandleCache.get(imageKey);
532  } else {
533  //open new handle and cache it
534  imageHandle = openImgNat(imageFiles, imageFiles.length);
535  HandleCache.fsHandleCache.put(imageHandle, new HashMap<Long, Long>());
536  HandleCache.imageHandleCache.put(imageKey, imageHandle);
537  }
538  }
539  return imageHandle;
540  }
554  public static long openVs(long imgHandle, long vsOffset) throws TskCoreException {
555  return openVsNat(imgHandle, vsOffset);
556  }
558  //get pointers
570  public static long openVsPart(long vsHandle, long volId) throws TskCoreException {
571  //returned long is ptr to vs Handle object in tsk
572  return openVolNat(vsHandle, volId);
573  }
587  public static long openFs(long imgHandle, long fsOffset) throws TskCoreException {
588  long fsHandle;
589  synchronized (HandleCache.cacheLock) {
590  final Map<Long, Long> imgOffSetToFsHandle = HandleCache.fsHandleCache.get(imgHandle);
591  if (imgOffSetToFsHandle.containsKey(fsOffset)) {
592  //return cached
593  fsHandle = imgOffSetToFsHandle.get(fsOffset);
594  } else {
595  fsHandle = openFsNat(imgHandle, fsOffset);
596  //cache it
597  imgOffSetToFsHandle.put(fsOffset, fsHandle);
598  }
599  }
600  return fsHandle;
601  }
616  public static long openFile(long fsHandle, long fileId, TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM attrType, int attrId) throws TskCoreException {
617  /*
618  * NOTE: previously attrId used to be stored in AbstractFile as (signed)
619  * short even though it is stored as uint16 in TSK. In extremely rare
620  * occurrences attrId can be larger than what a signed short can hold
621  * (2^15). Changes were made to AbstractFile to store attrId as integer.
622  * However, a depricated method still exists in AbstractFile to get
623  * attrId as short. In that method we convert attribute ids that are
624  * larger than 32K to a negative number. Therefore if encountered, we
625  * need to convert negative attribute id to uint16 which is what TSK is
626  * using to store attribute id.
627  */
628  long fileHandle = openFileNat(fsHandle, fileId, attrType.getValue(), convertSignedToUnsigned(attrId));
629  HandleCache.addFileHandle(fileHandle, fsHandle);
630  return fileHandle;
631  }
640  private static int convertSignedToUnsigned(int val) {
641  if (val >= 0) {
642  return val;
643  }
645  return val & 0xffff; // convert negative value to positive value
646  }
648  //do reads
663  public static int readImg(long imgHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
664  //returned byte[] is the data buffer
665  return readImgNat(imgHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
666  }
682  public static int readVs(long vsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
683  return readVsNat(vsHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
684  }
700  public static int readVsPart(long volHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
701  //returned byte[] is the data buffer
702  return readVolNat(volHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
703  }
719  public static int readFs(long fsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
720  //returned byte[] is the data buffer
721  return readFsNat(fsHandle, readBuffer, offset, len);
722  }
732  private final int val;
735  this.val = val;
736  }
738  int getValue() {
739  return val;
740  }
741  }
757  public static int readFile(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
758  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
759  throw new TskCoreException(HandleCache.INVALID_FILE_HANDLE);
760  }
762  return readFileNat(fileHandle, readBuffer, offset, TSK_FS_FILE_READ_OFFSET_TYPE_ENUM.START_OF_FILE.getValue(), len);
763  }
779  public static int readFileSlack(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException {
780  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
781  throw new TskCoreException(HandleCache.INVALID_FILE_HANDLE);
782  }
784  return readFileNat(fileHandle, readBuffer, offset, TSK_FS_FILE_READ_OFFSET_TYPE_ENUM.START_OF_SLACK.getValue(), len);
785  }
797  public static List<String> getFileMetaDataText(long fileHandle) throws TskCoreException {
798  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
799  throw new TskCoreException(HandleCache.INVALID_FILE_HANDLE);
800  }
802  try {
803 tmp ="tsk", ".txt");
805  saveFileMetaDataTextNat(fileHandle, tmp.getAbsolutePath());
807  FileReader fr = new FileReader(tmp.getAbsolutePath());
808  BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(fr);
810  List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
811  while (true) {
812  String line = textReader.readLine();
813  if (line == null) {
814  break;
815  }
816  lines.add(line);
817  }
818  textReader.close();
819  fr.close();
820  tmp.delete();
821  return lines;
822  } catch (IOException ex) {
823  throw new TskCoreException("Error reading istat output: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());
824  }
825  }
827  //free pointers
834  public static void closeImg(long imgHandle) {
835  //@@@ TODO close the image handle when Case is closed instead
836  //currently the image handle is not being freed, it's cached for duration of the application
837  //closeImgNat(imgHandle);
838  }
845  public static void closeVs(long vsHandle) {
846  closeVsNat(vsHandle);
847  }
855  public static void closeFs(long fsHandle) {
856  //@@@ TODO close the fs handle when Case is closed instead
857  //currently the fs handle is not being freed, it's cached for duration of the application
858  //closeFsNat(fsHandle);
859  }
866  public static void closeFile(long fileHandle) {
867  if (!HandleCache.isValidFileHandle(fileHandle)) {
868  // File handle is not open so this is a no-op.
869  return;
870  }
871  closeFileNat(fileHandle);
872  HandleCache.removeFileHandle(fileHandle);
873  }
882  public static void createLookupIndexForHashDatabase(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
883  hashDbCreateIndexNat(dbHandle);
884  }
895  public static boolean hashDatabaseHasLookupIndex(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
896  return hashDbIndexExistsNat(dbHandle);
897  }
909  public static boolean hashDatabaseCanBeReindexed(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
910  return hashDbIsReindexableNat(dbHandle);
911  }
922  public static String getHashDatabasePath(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
923  return hashDbPathNat(dbHandle);
924  }
935  public static String getHashDatabaseIndexPath(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
936  return hashDbIndexPathNat(dbHandle);
937  }
939  public static int openHashDatabase(String path) throws TskCoreException {
940  return hashDbOpenNat(path);
941  }
952  public static int createHashDatabase(String path) throws TskCoreException {
953  return hashDbNewNat(path);
954  }
962  public static void closeAllHashDatabases() throws TskCoreException {
963  hashDbCloseAll();
964  }
973  public static void closeHashDatabase(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
974  hashDbClose(dbHandle);
975  }
984  public static String getHashDatabaseDisplayName(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
985  return hashDbGetDisplayName(dbHandle);
986  }
998  public static boolean lookupInHashDatabase(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
999  return hashDbLookup(hash, dbHandle);
1000  }
1013  public static HashHitInfo lookupInHashDatabaseVerbose(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1014  return hashDbLookupVerbose(hash, dbHandle);
1015  }
1029  public static void addToHashDatabase(String filename, String md5, String sha1, String sha256, String comment, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1030  hashDbAddEntryNat(filename, md5, sha1, sha256, comment, dbHandle);
1031  }
1033  public static void addToHashDatabase(List<HashEntry> hashes, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1034  hashDbBeginTransactionNat(dbHandle);
1035  try {
1036  for (HashEntry entry : hashes) {
1037  hashDbAddEntryNat(entry.getFileName(), entry.getMd5Hash(), entry.getSha1Hash(), entry.getSha256Hash(), entry.getComment(), dbHandle);
1038  }
1039  hashDbCommitTransactionNat(dbHandle);
1040  } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
1041  try {
1042  hashDbRollbackTransactionNat(dbHandle);
1043  } catch (TskCoreException ex2) {
1044  ex2.initCause(ex);
1045  throw ex2;
1046  }
1047  throw ex;
1048  }
1049  }
1051  public static boolean isUpdateableHashDatabase(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1052  return hashDbIsUpdateableNat(dbHandle);
1053  }
1055  public static boolean hashDatabaseIsIndexOnly(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1056  return hashDbIsIdxOnlyNat(dbHandle);
1057  }
1068  private static String timezoneLongToShort(String timezoneLongForm) {
1069  if (timezoneLongForm == null || timezoneLongForm.isEmpty()) {
1070  return "";
1071  }
1073  String timezoneShortForm;
1074  TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneLongForm);
1075  int offset = zone.getRawOffset() / 1000;
1076  int hour = offset / 3600;
1077  int min = (offset % 3600) / 60;
1078  DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("z");
1079  dfm.setTimeZone(zone);
1080  boolean hasDaylight = zone.useDaylightTime();
1081  String first = dfm.format(new GregorianCalendar(2010, 1, 1).getTime()).substring(0, 3); // make it only 3 letters code
1082  String second = dfm.format(new GregorianCalendar(2011, 6, 6).getTime()).substring(0, 3); // make it only 3 letters code
1083  int mid = hour * -1;
1084  timezoneShortForm = first + Integer.toString(mid);
1085  if (min != 0) {
1086  timezoneShortForm = timezoneShortForm + ":" + (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + Integer.toString(min);
1087  }
1088  if (hasDaylight) {
1089  timezoneShortForm += second;
1090  }
1091  return timezoneShortForm;
1092  }
1102  public static int finishImageWriter(long imgHandle) throws TskCoreException {
1103  return finishImageWriterNat(imgHandle);
1104  }
1113  public static int getFinishImageProgress(long imgHandle) {
1114  return getFinishImageProgressNat(imgHandle);
1115  }
1122  public static void cancelFinishImage(long imgHandle) {
1123  cancelFinishImageNat(imgHandle);
1124  }
1137  public static long findDeviceSize(String devPath) throws TskCoreException {
1138  return findDeviceSizeNat(devPath);
1139  }
1141  public static boolean isImageSupported(String imagePath) {
1142  return isImageSupportedNat(imagePath);
1143  }
1145  private static native String getVersionNat();
1147  private static native void startVerboseLoggingNat(String logPath);
1149  private static native long newCaseDbNat(String dbPath) throws TskCoreException;
1151  private static native long newCaseDbMultiNat(String hostNameOrIP, String portNumber, String userName, String password, int dbTypeOrdinal, String databaseName);
1153  private static native long openCaseDbMultiNat(String hostNameOrIP, String portNumber, String userName, String password, int dbTypeOrdinal, String databaseName);
1155  private static native long openCaseDbNat(String path) throws TskCoreException;
1157  private static native void closeCaseDbNat(long db) throws TskCoreException;
1159  private static native int hashDbOpenNat(String hashDbPath) throws TskCoreException;
1161  private static native int hashDbNewNat(String hashDbPath) throws TskCoreException;
1163  private static native int hashDbBeginTransactionNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1165  private static native int hashDbCommitTransactionNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1167  private static native int hashDbRollbackTransactionNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1169  private static native int hashDbAddEntryNat(String filename, String hashMd5, String hashSha1, String hashSha256, String comment, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1171  private static native boolean hashDbIsUpdateableNat(int dbHandle);
1173  private static native boolean hashDbIsReindexableNat(int dbHandle);
1175  private static native String hashDbPathNat(int dbHandle);
1177  private static native String hashDbIndexPathNat(int dbHandle);
1179  private static native String hashDbGetDisplayName(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1181  private static native void hashDbCloseAll() throws TskCoreException;
1183  private static native void hashDbClose(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1185  private static native void hashDbCreateIndexNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1187  private static native boolean hashDbIndexExistsNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1189  private static native boolean hashDbIsIdxOnlyNat(int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1191  private static native boolean hashDbLookup(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1193  private static native HashHitInfo hashDbLookupVerbose(String hash, int dbHandle) throws TskCoreException;
1195  private static native long initAddImgNat(long db, String timezone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans) throws TskCoreException;
1197  private static native long initializeAddImgNat(long db, String timezone, boolean addFileSystems, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans) throws TskCoreException;
1199  private static native void runOpenAndAddImgNat(long process, String deviceId, String[] imgPath, int splits, String timezone) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException;
1201  private static native void runAddImgNat(long process, String deviceId, long a_img_info, String timeZone, String imageWriterPath) throws TskCoreException, TskDataException;
1203  private static native void stopAddImgNat(long process) throws TskCoreException;
1205  private static native void revertAddImgNat(long process) throws TskCoreException;
1207  private static native long commitAddImgNat(long process) throws TskCoreException;
1209  private static native long openImgNat(String[] imgPath, int splits) throws TskCoreException;
1211  private static native long openVsNat(long imgHandle, long vsOffset) throws TskCoreException;
1213  private static native long openVolNat(long vsHandle, long volId) throws TskCoreException;
1215  private static native long openFsNat(long imgHandle, long fsId) throws TskCoreException;
1217  private static native long openFileNat(long fsHandle, long fileId, int attrType, int attrId) throws TskCoreException;
1219  private static native int readImgNat(long imgHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
1221  private static native int readVsNat(long vsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
1223  private static native int readVolNat(long volHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
1225  private static native int readFsNat(long fsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len) throws TskCoreException;
1227  private static native int readFileNat(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, int offset_type, long len) throws TskCoreException;
1229  private static native int saveFileMetaDataTextNat(long fileHandle, String fileName) throws TskCoreException;
1231  private static native void closeImgNat(long imgHandle);
1233  private static native void closeVsNat(long vsHandle);
1235  private static native void closeFsNat(long fsHandle);
1237  private static native void closeFileNat(long fileHandle);
1239  private static native long findDeviceSizeNat(String devicePath) throws TskCoreException;
1241  private static native String getCurDirNat(long process);
1243  private static native boolean isImageSupportedNat(String imagePath);
1245  private static native int finishImageWriterNat(long a_img_info);
1247  private static native int getFinishImageProgressNat(long a_img_info);
1249  private static native void cancelFinishImageNat(long a_img_info);
1251 }
static native boolean hashDbIsUpdateableNat(int dbHandle)
static int readImg(long imgHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static native long commitAddImgNat(long process)
static String getHashDatabaseIndexPath(int dbHandle)
static native void closeVsNat(long vsHandle)
static int readVs(long vsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static void createLookupIndexForHashDatabase(int dbHandle)
static native void startVerboseLoggingNat(String logPath)
static long openImage(String[] imageFiles, boolean useCache)
static void addToHashDatabase(String filename, String md5, String sha1, String sha256, String comment, int dbHandle)
static final Map< String, Long > imageHandleCache
static native int readImgNat(long imgHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static int createHashDatabase(String path)
static native String getCurDirNat(long process)
static void closeFs(long fsHandle)
static void cancelFinishImage(long imgHandle)
static native int hashDbRollbackTransactionNat(int dbHandle)
static long openFile(long fsHandle, long fileId, TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM attrType, int attrId)
void run(String deviceId, String[] imageFilePaths)
static int readFile(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static native int hashDbAddEntryNat(String filename, String hashMd5, String hashSha1, String hashSha256, String comment, int dbHandle)
static native int readVsNat(long vsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static native void revertAddImgNat(long process)
static int finishImageWriter(long imgHandle)
static native void runAddImgNat(long process, String deviceId, long a_img_info, String timeZone, String imageWriterPath)
static native void cancelFinishImageNat(long a_img_info)
static native int readFileNat(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, int offset_type, long len)
static HashHitInfo lookupInHashDatabaseVerbose(String hash, int dbHandle)
static native String getVersionNat()
static native boolean hashDbIndexExistsNat(int dbHandle)
static native long findDeviceSizeNat(String devicePath)
static long openVs(long imgHandle, long vsOffset)
static native int saveFileMetaDataTextNat(long fileHandle, String fileName)
static native boolean hashDbIsIdxOnlyNat(int dbHandle)
static native long openVolNat(long vsHandle, long volId)
static native void closeFsNat(long fsHandle)
static native void hashDbClose(int dbHandle)
static final Map< Long, Map< Long, Long > > fsHandleCache
static int convertSignedToUnsigned(int val)
static native int readFsNat(long fsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static boolean hashDatabaseIsIndexOnly(int dbHandle)
static final Map< Long, List< Long > > fileSystemToFileHandles
static boolean isImageSupported(String imagePath)
static int readVsPart(long volHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static native HashHitInfo hashDbLookupVerbose(String hash, int dbHandle)
static native int hashDbCommitTransactionNat(int dbHandle)
static native int hashDbOpenNat(String hashDbPath)
static void closeVs(long vsHandle)
static native long newCaseDbNat(String dbPath)
static long openImage(String[] imageFiles)
static native long openImgNat(String[] imgPath, int splits)
static long findDeviceSize(String devPath)
static String getHashDatabaseDisplayName(int dbHandle)
static native long openFileNat(long fsHandle, long fileId, int attrType, int attrId)
static native void closeFileNat(long fileHandle)
static List< String > getFileMetaDataText(long fileHandle)
static void closeImg(long imgHandle)
static long openFs(long imgHandle, long fsOffset)
static native long openVsNat(long imgHandle, long vsOffset)
static native boolean hashDbLookup(String hash, int dbHandle)
static native int readVolNat(long volHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static String timezoneLongToShort(String timezoneLongForm)
static void addFileHandle(long fileHandle, long fsHandle)
static native long newCaseDbMultiNat(String hostNameOrIP, String portNumber, String userName, String password, int dbTypeOrdinal, String databaseName)
static native void hashDbCloseAll()
static int getFinishImageProgress(long imgHandle)
static int openHashDatabase(String path)
static native int hashDbBeginTransactionNat(int dbHandle)
AddImageProcess(String timeZone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans, String imageWriterPath)
static void closeFile(long fileHandle)
static boolean lookupInHashDatabase(String hash, int dbHandle)
static boolean hashDatabaseHasLookupIndex(int dbHandle)
static native long openFsNat(long imgHandle, long fsId)
static native void closeCaseDbNat(long db)
static native long initAddImgNat(long db, String timezone, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans)
static native void runOpenAndAddImgNat(long process, String deviceId, String[] imgPath, int splits, String timezone)
static long openVsPart(long vsHandle, long volId)
static native int finishImageWriterNat(long a_img_info)
static native boolean isImageSupportedNat(String imagePath)
static native int getFinishImageProgressNat(long a_img_info)
static int readFileSlack(long fileHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static boolean isUpdateableHashDatabase(int dbHandle)
static native int hashDbNewNat(String hashDbPath)
static void addToHashDatabase(List< HashEntry > hashes, int dbHandle)
static native void stopAddImgNat(long process)
static native long initializeAddImgNat(long db, String timezone, boolean addFileSystems, boolean addUnallocSpace, boolean skipFatFsOrphans)
static native void closeImgNat(long imgHandle)
static boolean hashDatabaseCanBeReindexed(int dbHandle)
static native String hashDbGetDisplayName(int dbHandle)
static native String hashDbIndexPathNat(int dbHandle)
static native long openCaseDbMultiNat(String hostNameOrIP, String portNumber, String userName, String password, int dbTypeOrdinal, String databaseName)
static void startVerboseLogging(String logPath)
static native void hashDbCreateIndexNat(int dbHandle)
static native String hashDbPathNat(int dbHandle)
static int readFs(long fsHandle, byte[] readBuffer, long offset, long len)
static String getHashDatabasePath(int dbHandle)
static boolean isValidFileHandle(long fileHandle)
static void closeHashDatabase(int dbHandle)
static native long openCaseDbNat(String path)
static native boolean hashDbIsReindexableNat(int dbHandle)

Copyright © 2011-2015 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.