Autopsy  4.19.2
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Autopsy Forensic Browser
3  *
4  * Copyright 2019-2021 Basis Technology Corp.
5  * Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
19 package;
21 import;
22 import;
23 import;
24 import java.util.ArrayList;
25 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
26 import java.util.List;
27 import java.util.Map;
28 import java.util.logging.Level;
29 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
30 import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
32 import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.AbstractFile;
33 import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.SleuthkitCase;
44 public class FileSearch {
46  private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileSearch.class.getName());
47  private static final int MAXIMUM_CACHE_SIZE = 10;
48  private static final Cache<SearchKey, Map<GroupKey, List<Result>>> searchCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
49  .maximumSize(MAXIMUM_CACHE_SIZE)
50  .build();
74  static SearchResults runFileSearchDebug(String userName,
75  List<AbstractFilter> filters,
76  AttributeType groupAttributeType,
77  Group.GroupSortingAlgorithm groupSortingType,
78  ResultsSorter.SortingMethod fileSortingMethod,
79  SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context) throws DiscoveryException, SearchCancellationException {
80  // Make a list of attributes that we want to add values for. This ensures the
81  // ResultFile objects will have all needed fields set when it's time to group
82  // and sort them. For example, if we're grouping by central repo frequency, we need
83  // to make sure we've loaded those values before grouping.
84  List<AttributeType> attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting = new ArrayList<>();
85  attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting.add(groupAttributeType);
86  attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting.addAll(fileSortingMethod.getRequiredAttributes());
88  // Run the queries for each filter
89  List<Result> results = SearchFiltering.runQueries(filters, caseDb, centralRepoDb, context);
91  // Add the data to resultFiles for any attributes needed for sorting and grouping
92  addAttributes(attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting, results, caseDb, centralRepoDb, context);
94  // Collect everything in the search results
95  SearchResults searchResults = new SearchResults(groupSortingType, groupAttributeType, fileSortingMethod);
96  searchResults.add(results);
98  // Sort and group the results
99  searchResults.sortGroupsAndFiles();
100  Map<GroupKey, List<Result>> resultHashMap = searchResults.toLinkedHashMap();
101  SearchKey searchKey = new SearchKey(userName, filters, groupAttributeType, groupSortingType, fileSortingMethod);
102  synchronized (searchCache) {
103  searchCache.put(searchKey, resultHashMap);
104  }
105  return searchResults;
106  }
130  public static Map<GroupKey, Integer> getGroupSizes(String userName,
131  List<AbstractFilter> filters,
132  AttributeType groupAttributeType,
133  Group.GroupSortingAlgorithm groupSortingType,
134  ResultsSorter.SortingMethod fileSortingMethod,
135  SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context) throws DiscoveryException, SearchCancellationException {
136  Map<GroupKey, List<Result>> searchResults = runFileSearch(userName, filters,
137  groupAttributeType, groupSortingType, fileSortingMethod, caseDb, centralRepoDb, context);
138  LinkedHashMap<GroupKey, Integer> groupSizes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
139  for (GroupKey groupKey : searchResults.keySet()) {
140  if (context.searchIsCancelled()) {
141  throw new SearchCancellationException("The search was cancelled before group sizes were finished being calculated");
142  }
143  groupSizes.put(groupKey, searchResults.get(groupKey).size());
144  }
145  return groupSizes;
146  }
174  public static List<Result> getFilesInGroup(String userName,
175  List<AbstractFilter> filters,
176  AttributeType groupAttributeType,
177  Group.GroupSortingAlgorithm groupSortingType,
178  ResultsSorter.SortingMethod fileSortingMethod,
179  GroupKey groupKey,
180  int startingEntry,
181  int numberOfEntries,
182  SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context) throws DiscoveryException, SearchCancellationException {
183  //the group should be in the cache at this point
184  List<Result> filesInGroup = null;
185  SearchKey searchKey = new SearchKey(userName, filters, groupAttributeType, groupSortingType, fileSortingMethod);
186  Map<GroupKey, List<Result>> resultsMap;
187  synchronized (searchCache) {
188  resultsMap = searchCache.getIfPresent(searchKey);
189  }
190  if (resultsMap != null) {
191  filesInGroup = resultsMap.get(groupKey);
192  }
193  List<Result> page = new ArrayList<>();
194  if (filesInGroup == null) {
195  logger.log(Level.INFO, "Group {0} was not cached, performing search to cache all groups again", groupKey);
196  runFileSearch(userName, filters, groupAttributeType, groupSortingType, fileSortingMethod, caseDb, centralRepoDb, context);
197  synchronized (searchCache) {
198  resultsMap = searchCache.getIfPresent(searchKey.getKeyString());
199  }
200  if (resultsMap != null) {
201  filesInGroup = resultsMap.get(groupKey);
202  }
203  if (filesInGroup == null) {
204  logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Group {0} did not exist in cache or new search results", groupKey);
205  return page; //group does not exist
206  }
207  }
208  // Check that there is data after the starting point
209  if (filesInGroup.size() < startingEntry) {
210  logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Group only contains {0} files, starting entry of {1} is too large.", new Object[]{filesInGroup.size(), startingEntry});
211  return page;
212  }
213  // Add files to the page
214  for (int i = startingEntry; (i < startingEntry + numberOfEntries)
215  && (i < filesInGroup.size()); i++) {
216  page.add(filesInGroup.get(i));
217  }
218  return page;
219  }
229  @NbBundle.Messages({"FileSearch.documentSummary.noPreview=No preview available.",
230  "FileSearch.documentSummary.noBytes=No bytes read for document, unable to display preview."})
231  public static TextSummary summarize(AbstractFile file) {
232  TextSummary summary = null;
233  TextSummarizer localSummarizer;
234  synchronized (searchCache) {
235  localSummarizer = SummaryHelpers.getLocalSummarizer();
236  }
237  if (localSummarizer != null) {
238  try {
239  //a summary of length 40 seems to fit without vertical scroll bars
240  summary = localSummarizer.summarize(file, 40);
241  } catch (IOException ex) {
242  return new TextSummary(Bundle.FileSearch_documentSummary_noPreview(), null, 0);
243  }
244  }
245  if (summary == null || StringUtils.isBlank(summary.getSummaryText())) {
246  //summary text was empty grab the beginning of the file
247  summary = SummaryHelpers.getDefaultSummary(file);
248  }
249  return summary;
250  }
273  public static Map<GroupKey, List<Result>> runFileSearch(String userName,
274  List<AbstractFilter> filters,
275  AttributeType groupAttributeType,
276  Group.GroupSortingAlgorithm groupSortingType,
277  ResultsSorter.SortingMethod fileSortingMethod,
278  SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context) throws DiscoveryException, SearchCancellationException {
280  // Make a list of attributes that we want to add values for. This ensures the
281  // ResultFile objects will have all needed fields set when it's time to group
282  // and sort them. For example, if we're grouping by central repo frequency, we need
283  // to make sure we've loaded those values before grouping.
284  List<AttributeType> attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting = new ArrayList<>();
285  attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting.add(groupAttributeType);
286  attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting.addAll(fileSortingMethod.getRequiredAttributes());
288  // Run the queries for each filter
289  List<Result> results = SearchFiltering.runQueries(filters, caseDb, centralRepoDb, context);
291  // Add the data to resultFiles for any attributes needed for sorting and grouping
292  addAttributes(attributesNeededForGroupingOrSorting, results, caseDb, centralRepoDb, context);
294  // Collect everything in the search results
295  SearchResults searchResults = new SearchResults(groupSortingType, groupAttributeType, fileSortingMethod);
296  searchResults.add(results);
297  Map<GroupKey, List<Result>> resultHashMap = searchResults.toLinkedHashMap();
298  SearchKey searchKey = new SearchKey(userName, filters, groupAttributeType, groupSortingType, fileSortingMethod);
299  synchronized (searchCache) {
300  searchCache.put(searchKey, resultHashMap);
301  }
302  // Return a version of the results in general Java objects
303  return resultHashMap;
304  }
323  private static void addAttributes(List<AttributeType> attrs, List<Result> results, SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context)
324  throws DiscoveryException, SearchCancellationException {
325  for (AttributeType attr : attrs) {
326  attr.addAttributeToResults(results, caseDb, centralRepoDb, context);
327  }
328  }
330  private FileSearch() {
331  // Class should not be instantiated
332  }
334 }
TextSummary summarize(AbstractFile file, int summarySize)
static final Cache< SearchKey, Map< GroupKey, List< Result > > > searchCache
static TextSummary summarize(AbstractFile file)
static Map< GroupKey, List< Result > > runFileSearch(String userName, List< AbstractFilter > filters, AttributeType groupAttributeType, Group.GroupSortingAlgorithm groupSortingType, ResultsSorter.SortingMethod fileSortingMethod, SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context)
static void addAttributes(List< AttributeType > attrs, List< Result > results, SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context)
static List< Result > getFilesInGroup(String userName, List< AbstractFilter > filters, AttributeType groupAttributeType, Group.GroupSortingAlgorithm groupSortingType, ResultsSorter.SortingMethod fileSortingMethod, GroupKey groupKey, int startingEntry, int numberOfEntries, SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context)
synchronized static Logger getLogger(String name)
static Map< GroupKey, Integer > getGroupSizes(String userName, List< AbstractFilter > filters, AttributeType groupAttributeType, Group.GroupSortingAlgorithm groupSortingType, ResultsSorter.SortingMethod fileSortingMethod, SleuthkitCase caseDb, CentralRepository centralRepoDb, SearchContext context)

Copyright © 2012-2021 Basis Technology. Generated on: Tue Feb 22 2022
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.