Autopsy User Documentation  4.7.0
Graphical digital forensics platform for The Sleuth Kit and other tools.
Installing Autopsy

Table of Contents


It is highly recommended to remove or disable any antivirus software from computers that will be processing or reviewing cases. Antivirus software will often conflict with forensic software, and may quarantine or even delete some of your results before you get a chance to look at them.

Deployment Types

Starting with Autopsy 4.0, there are two ways to deploy Autopsy:

System Memory Requirements

The 64 bit version of Autopsy requires a minimum of 8GB RAM (16 GB recommended). When the 64 bit version of Autopsy is installed on Windows it will be limited to a maximum heap size of 4GB leaving the remaining memory for the operating system, the internal Solr text indexing service and other applications. If you wish to change the maximum heap size you can do so after installation by changing the Maximum JVM Memory value in the Runtime section under Tools -> Options -> Application.



Download Autopsy from the website:

The current version of Autopsy 4 is distributed on only as a Windows installer. It can run on Linux and OS X, but requires some manual setup.


To install Autopsy, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Autopsy msi file
  2. If Windows prompts with User Account Control, click Yes
  3. Click through the dialog boxes until you click a button that says Finish
  4. Autopsy should now be fully installed

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