The Sleuth Kit  4.11.1
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TSK_FS_INFO Struct Reference

Stores state information for an open file system. More...

#include <tsk_fs.h>

Public Attributes

struct {
   TSK_IMG_INFO *   img_info
 Pointer to the image layer state.
   TSK_OFF_T   offset
 Byte offset into img_info that fs starts.
TSK_DADDR_T block_count
 Number of blocks in fs.
TSK_FS_BLOCK_FLAG_ENUM(* block_getflags )(TSK_FS_INFO *a_fs, TSK_DADDR_T a_addr)
unsigned int block_post_size
 Number of bytes that follow each block (currently only used for RAW CDs)
unsigned int block_pre_size
 Number of bytes that precede each block (currently only used for RAW CDs)
unsigned int block_size
 Size of each block (in bytes)
uint8_t(* block_walk )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_DADDR_T start, TSK_DADDR_T end, TSK_FS_BLOCK_WALK_FLAG_ENUM flags, TSK_FS_BLOCK_WALK_CB cb, void *ptr)
 FS-specific function: Call tsk_fs_block_walk() instead.
void(* close )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs)
 FS-specific function: Call tsk_fs_close() instead.
uint8_t(* decrypt_block )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_DADDR_T start, void *data)
unsigned int dev_bsize
 Size of device block (typically always 512)
TSK_RETVAL_ENUM(* dir_open_meta )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_FS_DIR **a_fs_dir, TSK_INUM_T inode, int recursion_depth)
const char * duname
 string "name" of data unit type
 Endian order of data.
uint8_t(* file_add_meta )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_FS_FILE *fs_file, TSK_INUM_T addr)
TSK_DADDR_T first_block
 Address of first block.
TSK_INUM_T first_inum
 First valid metadata address.
 flags for file system
uint8_t(* fread_owner_sid )(TSK_FS_FILE *, char **)
uint8_t fs_id [TSK_FS_INFO_FS_ID_LEN]
 File system id (as reported in boot sector)
size_t fs_id_used
 Number of bytes in fs_id that are being used.
uint8_t(* fscheck )(TSK_FS_INFO *, FILE *)
uint8_t(* fsstat )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs, FILE *hFile)
 type of file system
TSK_FS_ATTR_TYPE_ENUM(* get_default_attr_type )(const TSK_FS_FILE *)
void * impl
uint8_t(* inode_walk )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_INUM_T start, TSK_INUM_T end, TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM flags, TSK_FS_META_WALK_CB cb, void *ptr)
 FS-specific function: Call tsk_fs_meta_walk() instead.
TSK_INUM_T inum_count
 Number of metadata addresses.
uint8_t(* istat )(TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_FS_ISTAT_FLAG_ENUM flags, FILE *hFile, TSK_INUM_T inum, TSK_DADDR_T numblock, int32_t sec_skew)
 Pointer to file system specific function that prints details on a specific file to a file handle. More...
uint8_t(* jblk_walk )(TSK_FS_INFO *, TSK_DADDR_T, TSK_DADDR_T, int, TSK_FS_JBLK_WALK_CB, void *)
uint8_t(* jentry_walk )(TSK_FS_INFO *, int, TSK_FS_JENTRY_WALK_CB, void *)
uint8_t(* jopen )(TSK_FS_INFO *, TSK_INUM_T)
TSK_INUM_T journ_inum
 Address of journal inode.
TSK_DADDR_T last_block
 Address of last block as reported by file system (could be larger than last_block in image if end of image does not exist)
TSK_DADDR_T last_block_act
 Address of last block – adjusted so that it is equal to the last block in the image or volume (if image is not complete)
TSK_INUM_T last_inum
 Last valid metadata address.
 List of unallocated inodes that are pointed to by a file name – Used to find orphan files. More...
tsk_lock_t list_inum_named_lock
uint8_t(* load_attrs )(TSK_FS_FILE *)
int(* name_cmp )(TSK_FS_INFO *, const char *, const char *)
 Files and dirs in the top level of the $OrphanFiles directory. NULL if orphans have not been hunted for yet. (r/w shared - lock)
tsk_lock_t orphan_dir_lock
TSK_INUM_T root_inum
 Metadata address of root directory.
int tag

Detailed Description

Stores state information for an open file system.

One of these are generated for each open files system and it contains file system-type specific data. These values are all filled in by the file system code and not the caller functions. This struct (and its subclasses) should be allocated only by tsk_fs_malloc and deallocated only by tsk_fs_free, which handle init/deinit of the locks.

Member Data Documentation

uint8_t(* TSK_FS_INFO::istat) (TSK_FS_INFO *fs, TSK_FS_ISTAT_FLAG_ENUM flags, FILE *hFile, TSK_INUM_T inum, TSK_DADDR_T numblock, int32_t sec_skew)

Pointer to file system specific function that prints details on a specific file to a file handle.

fsFile system file is located in
hFileFile handle to print text to
inumAddress of file in file system
numblockThe number of blocks in file to force print (can go beyond file size)
sec_skewClock skew in seconds to also print times in
1 on error and 0 on success

Referenced by ntfs_open().

TSK_LIST* TSK_FS_INFO::list_inum_named

List of unallocated inodes that are pointed to by a file name – Used to find orphan files.

Is filled after looking for orphans or afer a full name_walk is performed. (r/w shared - lock)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2007-2020 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.