The Sleuth Kit  4.11.1
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 C_TSK_DB_FILE_LAYOUT_RANGEStructure wrapping a single file_layout db entry
 C_TSK_DB_FS_INFOStructure wrapping a single fs info db entry
 C_TSK_DB_OBJECTStructure wrapping a single tsk objects db entry
 C_TSK_DB_VS_INFOStructure wrapping a single vs info db entry
 CDECMPFS_DISK_HEADERContains the structures and function APIs dealing with compressed files in APFS and HFS+ file systems
 CEXFATFS_ACCESS_CTRL_TABLE_DIR_ENTRYAccess control table directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CEXFATFS_ALLOC_BITMAP_DIR_ENTRYAllocation bitmap directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CEXFATFS_FILE_NAME_DIR_ENTRYFile name directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CEXFATFS_FILE_STREAM_DIR_ENTRYStream extension directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CEXFATFS_TEXFAT_DIR_ENTRYTexFAT (transactional exFAT) directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CEXFATFS_UPCASE_TABLE_DIR_ENTRYUP-Case table directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CEXFATFS_VOL_GUID_DIR_ENTRYVolume GUID directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CEXFATFS_VOL_LABEL_DIR_ENTRYVolume label directory entry structure for exFAT file systems
 CFATFS_DENTRYGeneric directory entry structure for FAT file systems
 CTSK_FS_ATTRHolds information about the location of file content (or a file attribute)
 CTSK_FS_ATTR_RUNHolds information about a single data run, which has a starting address and length
 CTSK_FS_ATTRLISTStructure used as the head of an attribute list
 CTSK_FS_BLOCKGeneric data structure to hold block data with metadata
 CTSK_FS_DIRA handle to a directory so that its files can be individually accessed
 CTSK_FS_FILEGeneric structure used to refer to files in the file system
 CTSK_FS_INFOStores state information for an open file system
 CTSK_FS_METATSK data structure to store general file and directory metadata
 CTSK_FS_META_NAME_LISTRelatively generic structure to hold file names that are stored with the file metadata
 CTSK_FS_NAMEGeneric structure to store the file name information that is stored in a directory
 CTSK_HDB_BINSRCH_INFORepresents a text-format hash database (NSRL, EnCase, etc.) with the TSK binary search index
 CTSK_HDB_INFORepresents an open hash database
 CTSK_IMG_INFOCreated when a disk image has been opened and stores general information and handles
 CTSK_LISTLinked list structure that holds a 'key' and optional 'length'
 CTSK_STACKBasic stack structure to push and pop (used for finding loops in recursion)
 CTSK_VS_INFOData structure used to store state and basic information for open volume systems
 CTSK_VS_PART_INFOLinked list entry that describes a volume in a generic way
 CTskAutoC++ class that automatically analyzes a disk image to extract files from it
 CTskCaseDbStores case-level information in a database on one or more disk images
 CTskErrorAllows access to most recent error message and code in the thread
 CTskFsAttributeStores information about a file attribute
 CTskFsAttrRunContains information about a single data run, which has a starting address and length
 CTskFsBlockStores information about a file system block
 CTskFsDirStores information about a directory in the file system
 CTskFsFileClass that represents an allocated or deleted file
 CTskFsInfoStores information about an open file system
 CTskFsMetaStores metadata about a file
 CTskFsMetaNameStores information about names that are located in metadata structures
 CTskFsNameStores the file name information that is stored in a directory
 CTskHdbInfoStores information about an open hash database
 CTskImgInfoStores information about an image that is open and being analyzed
 CTskVsInfoStores information about an open volume system
 CTskVsPartInfoStores information about a volume / partition inside of an open volume system

Copyright © 2007-2020 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.