The Sleuth Kit  4.12.1
C Base TSK Library Functions


void tsk_error_errstr2_concat (const char *format,...)
 Concatenate a message onto the end of the errstr2. More...
const char * tsk_error_get ()
 Return the string with the current error message. More...
uint32_t tsk_error_get_errno ()
 Return the current error number. More...
char * tsk_error_get_errstr ()
 Retrieve the current, basic error string. More...
char * tsk_error_get_errstr2 ()
 Retrieve the current error string #2. More...
void tsk_error_print (FILE *hFile)
 Print the current fully formed error message to a file. More...
void tsk_error_reset ()
 Clear the error number and error message.
void tsk_error_set_errno (uint32_t t_errno)
 Set the current TSK error number. More...
void tsk_error_set_errstr (const char *format,...)
 Set the error string #1. More...
void tsk_error_set_errstr2 (const char *format,...)
 Set the error string #2. More...
void tsk_error_vset_errstr (const char *format, va_list args)
 Set the error string. More...
void tsk_error_vset_errstr2 (const char *format, va_list args)
 Set the error string. More...
void tsk_fprintf (FILE *fd, const char *msg,...)
 fprintf wrapper function that takes UTF-8 strings as input (on all platforms) and does what is necessary to output strings in the correct encoding (UTF-8 on Unix and UTF-16 on Windows). More...
uint8_t tsk_list_add (TSK_LIST **a_tsk_list_head, uint64_t a_key)
 Add an entry to a TSK_LIST (and create one if one does not exist) More...
uint8_t tsk_list_find (TSK_LIST *a_tsk_list_head, uint64_t a_key)
 Search a TSK_LIST for the existence of a value. More...
void tsk_list_free (TSK_LIST *a_tsk_list_head)
 Free a TSK_LIST. More...
void TSK_MD5_Final (TSK_MD5_CTX *context, unsigned char digest[16])
 Calculate the MD5 hash of the data added to this context. More...
void TSK_MD5_Init (TSK_MD5_CTX *context)
 Initialize a MD5 context structure so that data can be added to it. More...
void TSK_MD5_Update (TSK_MD5_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
 Add data to an initialized MD5 operation. More...
TSK_OFF_T tsk_parse_offset (const TSK_TCHAR *a_offset_str)
 Parse a TSK_TCHAR block address string. More...
int tsk_parse_pnum (const TSK_TCHAR *a_pnum_str, TSK_PNUM_T *a_pnum)
 Parse a TSK_TCHAR string of a partition byte offset and the integer version of it. More...
int tsk_print_sanitized (FILE *fd, const char *str)
 Prints the string removing control characters. More...
void tsk_printf (const char *msg,...)
 printf wrapper function that takes UTF-8 strings as input (on all platforms) and does what is necessary to output strings in the correct encoding (UTF-8 on Unix and UTF-16 on Windows). More...
void TSK_SHA_Final (TSK_SHA_CTX *shsInfo, BYTE *output)
 Calculate the hash of the data added to the context. More...
void TSK_SHA_Init (TSK_SHA_CTX *shsInfo)
 Initialize a SHA-1 context so that data can be added to it. More...
void TSK_SHA_Update (TSK_SHA_CTX *shsInfo, const BYTE *buffer, unsigned int count)
 Add data to an initialized SHA-1 context. More...
TSK_STACKtsk_stack_create ()
 Create a TSK_STACK structure. More...
uint8_t tsk_stack_find (TSK_STACK *a_tsk_stack, uint64_t a_val)
 Search a TSK_STACK for a given value. More...
void tsk_stack_free (TSK_STACK *a_tsk_stack)
 Free an allocated TSK_STACK structure. More...
void tsk_stack_pop (TSK_STACK *a_tsk_stack)
 Pop a value from the top of the stack. More...
uint8_t tsk_stack_push (TSK_STACK *a_tsk_stack, uint64_t a_val)
 Push a value to the top of TSK_STACK. More...
TSKConversionResult tsk_UTF16toUTF8 (TSK_ENDIAN_ENUM endian, const UTF16 **sourceStart, const UTF16 *sourceEnd, UTF8 **targetStart, UTF8 *targetEnd, TSKConversionFlags flags)
 Convert a UTF-16 string to UTF-8. More...
TSKConversionResult tsk_UTF16toUTF8_lclorder (const UTF16 **sourceStart, const UTF16 *sourceEnd, UTF8 **targetStart, UTF8 *targetEnd, TSKConversionFlags flags)
 Convert a UTF-16 string in local endian ordering to UTF-8. More...
TSKConversionResult tsk_UTF8toUTF16 (const UTF8 **sourceStart, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF16 **targetStart, UTF16 *targetEnd, TSKConversionFlags flags)
 Convert a UTF-8 string to UTF-16 (in local endian ordering). More...
const char * tsk_version_get_str ()
 Return the library version as a string. More...
void tsk_version_print (FILE *hFile)
 Print the library name and version to a handle (such as "The Sleuth Kit ver 1.00"). More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void tsk_error_errstr2_concat ( const char *  format,

Concatenate a message onto the end of the errstr2.


Referenced by btrfs_open(), and fatfs_inode_walk().

const char* tsk_error_get ( )

Return the string with the current error message.

Return a human-readable form of tsk_error_get_errno.

The string does not end with a newline.

String with error message or NULL if there is no error

Referenced by TskError::get(), and tsk_error_print().

uint32_t tsk_error_get_errno ( )

Return the current error number.

the current error number.

Referenced by TskAuto::findFilesInVs(), TskAuto::registerError(), tsk_error_print(), and tsk_fs_open_img_decrypt().

char* tsk_error_get_errstr ( )

Retrieve the current, basic error string.

Additional information is in errstr2. Use tsk_error_get() to get a fully formatted string.

the string. This is only valid until the next call to a tsk function.

Referenced by TskIsImageSupported::getMessageForIsImageSupportedNat(), TskAuto::registerError(), and tsk_fs_open_img_decrypt().

char* tsk_error_get_errstr2 ( )

Retrieve the current error string #2.

This has additional information than string #1.

the string. This is only valid until the next call to a tsk function.

Referenced by TskAuto::registerError().

void tsk_error_print ( FILE *  hFile)

Print the current fully formed error message to a file.

hFileFile to print message to

References tsk_error_get(), tsk_error_get_errno(), and tsk_fprintf().

Referenced by fatfs_inode_walk(), fatfs_istat(), fatxxfs_dent_parse_buf(), TskError::print(), and tsk_fs_dir_get().

void tsk_error_set_errno ( uint32_t  t_errno)

Set the current TSK error number.

t_errnothe error number.

Referenced by TskAutoDb::addFilesInImgToDb(), TskAutoDb::commitAddImage(), TskAuto::enableImageWriter(), encase_make_index(), fatfs_inode_walk(), fatxxfs_dent_parse_buf(), TskAuto::findFilesInFs(), TskAuto::findFilesInFsRet(), TskAuto::findFilesInImg(), TskAuto::findFilesInPool(), TskAuto::findFilesInVs(), TskDbSqlite::getFsInfos(), TskDbSqlite::getVsInfos(), TskDbSqlite::getVsPartInfos(), TskAuto::hasPool(), hdb_binsrch_idx_finalize(), hdb_binsrch_idx_initialize(), hdb_binsrch_lookup_bin(), hdb_binsrch_lookup_str(), hk_getentry(), hk_makeindex(), idxonly_open(), md5sum_makeindex(), TskCaseDb::newDb(), nsrl_makeindex(), TskCaseDb::openDb(), TskAutoDb::revertAddImage(), TskAutoDb::startAddImage(), tsk_fs_attr_read(), tsk_fs_attr_walk(), tsk_fs_blkcat(), tsk_fs_block_get_flag(), tsk_fs_block_walk(), tsk_fs_dir_get(), tsk_fs_dir_get_name(), tsk_fs_dir_getsize(), tsk_fs_dir_open(), tsk_fs_file_attr_get_id(), tsk_fs_file_get_owner_sid(), tsk_fs_file_hash_calc(), tsk_fs_file_open(), tsk_fs_file_open_meta(), tsk_fs_file_read(), tsk_fs_file_read_type(), tsk_fs_file_walk(), tsk_fs_file_walk_type(), tsk_fs_ifind_path(), tsk_fs_open_img_decrypt(), tsk_fs_open_vol_decrypt(), tsk_fs_path2inum(), tsk_fs_read_block_decrypt(), tsk_fs_read_decrypt(), tsk_hdb_accepts_updates(), tsk_hdb_add_entry(), tsk_hdb_begin_transaction(), tsk_hdb_close(), tsk_hdb_commit_transaction(), tsk_hdb_create(), tsk_hdb_has_idx(), tsk_hdb_is_idx_only(), tsk_hdb_lookup_raw(), tsk_hdb_lookup_str(), tsk_hdb_make_index(), tsk_hdb_open(), tsk_hdb_rollback_transaction(), tsk_img_open_external(), tsk_img_read(), tsk_ntfs_usnjentry_walk(), tsk_ntfs_usnjopen(), tsk_parse_offset(), tsk_parse_pnum(), tsk_vs_open(), tsk_vs_part_get(), tsk_vs_part_read_block(), tsk_vs_part_walk(), and tsk_vs_read_block().

void tsk_error_set_errstr ( const char *  format,

Set the error string #1.

This should contain the basic message.

formatthe printf-style format string

Referenced by TskAutoDb::addFilesInImgToDb(), TskAutoDb::commitAddImage(), TskAuto::enableImageWriter(), encase_make_index(), fatfs_inode_walk(), fatxxfs_dent_parse_buf(), TskAuto::findFilesInFs(), TskAuto::findFilesInFsRet(), TskAuto::findFilesInImg(), TskAuto::findFilesInPool(), TskAuto::findFilesInVs(), TskDbSqlite::getFsInfos(), TskDbSqlite::getVsInfos(), TskDbSqlite::getVsPartInfos(), TskAuto::hasPool(), hdb_binsrch_idx_finalize(), hdb_binsrch_idx_initialize(), hdb_binsrch_lookup_bin(), hdb_binsrch_lookup_str(), hk_getentry(), hk_makeindex(), idxonly_open(), md5sum_makeindex(), TskCaseDb::newDb(), nsrl_makeindex(), TskCaseDb::openDb(), TskAutoDb::revertAddImage(), TskAutoDb::startAddImage(), tsk_fs_attr_read(), tsk_fs_attr_walk(), tsk_fs_blkcat(), tsk_fs_block_get_flag(), tsk_fs_block_walk(), tsk_fs_dir_get(), tsk_fs_dir_get_name(), tsk_fs_dir_getsize(), tsk_fs_dir_open(), tsk_fs_file_attr_get_id(), tsk_fs_file_get_owner_sid(), tsk_fs_file_hash_calc(), tsk_fs_file_open(), tsk_fs_file_open_meta(), tsk_fs_file_read(), tsk_fs_file_read_type(), tsk_fs_file_walk(), tsk_fs_file_walk_type(), tsk_fs_ifind_path(), tsk_fs_open_img_decrypt(), tsk_fs_open_vol_decrypt(), tsk_fs_path2inum(), tsk_fs_read_block_decrypt(), tsk_fs_read_decrypt(), tsk_hdb_accepts_updates(), tsk_hdb_add_entry(), tsk_hdb_begin_transaction(), tsk_hdb_close(), tsk_hdb_commit_transaction(), tsk_hdb_create(), tsk_hdb_has_idx(), tsk_hdb_is_idx_only(), tsk_hdb_lookup_raw(), tsk_hdb_lookup_str(), tsk_hdb_make_index(), tsk_hdb_open(), tsk_hdb_rollback_transaction(), tsk_img_open_external(), tsk_img_read(), tsk_ntfs_usnjentry_walk(), tsk_ntfs_usnjopen(), tsk_parse_offset(), tsk_parse_pnum(), tsk_vs_open(), tsk_vs_part_get(), tsk_vs_part_read_block(), tsk_vs_part_walk(), and tsk_vs_read_block().

void tsk_error_set_errstr2 ( const char *  format,

Set the error string #2.

This is called by methods who encounter the error, but did not set errno.

formatthe printf-style format string

Referenced by btrfs_open(), encase_make_index(), fatfs_inode_walk(), TskAuto::findFilesInFs(), TskAuto::findFilesInFsRet(), TskAuto::findFilesInPool(), hdb_binsrch_idx_finalize(), hdb_binsrch_lookup_str(), hk_makeindex(), md5sum_makeindex(), nsrl_makeindex(), TskAutoDb::startAddImage(), and tsk_fs_attr_read().

void tsk_error_vset_errstr ( const char *  format,
va_list  args 

Set the error string.

formatthe printf-style format string
argsthe printf-style args
void tsk_error_vset_errstr2 ( const char *  format,
va_list  args 

Set the error string.

formatthe printf-style format string
argsthe printf-style format args
void tsk_fprintf ( FILE *  fd,
const char *  msg,
uint8_t tsk_list_add ( TSK_LIST **  a_tsk_list_head,
uint64_t  a_key 

Add an entry to a TSK_LIST (and create one if one does not exist)

a_tsk_list_headPointer to pointer for head of list (can point to NULL if no list exists).
a_keyValue to add to list
1 on error

References TSK_LIST::key, TSK_LIST::len, and TSK_LIST::next.

uint8_t tsk_list_find ( TSK_LIST a_tsk_list_head,
uint64_t  a_key 

Search a TSK_LIST for the existence of a value.

a_tsk_list_headHead of list to search
a_keyValue to search for
1 if value is found and 0 if not

References TSK_LIST::key, TSK_LIST::len, and TSK_LIST::next.

void tsk_list_free ( TSK_LIST a_tsk_list_head)

Free a TSK_LIST.

a_tsk_list_headHead of list to free

References TSK_LIST::next.

void TSK_MD5_Final ( TSK_MD5_CTX context,
unsigned char  digest[16] 

Calculate the MD5 hash of the data added to this context.

Context will be zeroed after this call.

contextContext that has data added to it.
digestBuffer to store MD5 value in.

References TSK_MD5_Update().

Referenced by tsk_fs_file_hash_calc().

void TSK_MD5_Init ( TSK_MD5_CTX context)

Initialize a MD5 context structure so that data can be added to it.

contextPointer to context to initialize

Referenced by tsk_fs_file_hash_calc().

void TSK_MD5_Update ( TSK_MD5_CTX context,
const unsigned char *  input,
unsigned int  inputLen 

Add data to an initialized MD5 operation.

contextInitialized context to add data to
inputBuffer of data to process
inputLenNumber of bytes in input

Referenced by TSK_MD5_Final().

TSK_OFF_T tsk_parse_offset ( const TSK_TCHAR a_offset_str)

Parse a TSK_TCHAR block address string.

Note that the cnt@size format is no longer supported. Set the device sector size in img_open to set the block size.

[in]a_offset_strThe string version of the offset
-1 on error or block offset on success

References PRIttocTSK, tsk_error_reset(), tsk_error_set_errno(), and tsk_error_set_errstr().

int tsk_parse_pnum ( const TSK_TCHAR a_pnum_str,
TSK_PNUM_T a_pnum 

Parse a TSK_TCHAR string of a partition byte offset and the integer version of it.

[in]a_pnum_strThe string version of the address
[out]a_pnumThe parsed integer version of the address
1 on error and 0 on success

References PRIttocTSK, tsk_error_reset(), tsk_error_set_errno(), and tsk_error_set_errstr().

int tsk_print_sanitized ( FILE *  fd,
const char *  str 

Prints the string removing control characters.

fdFile to print to
strstring to be printed
0 on success and 1 on error

References tsk_fprintf().

void tsk_printf ( const char *  msg,

printf wrapper function that takes UTF-8 strings as input (on all platforms) and does what is necessary to output strings in the correct encoding (UTF-8 on Unix and UTF-16 on Windows).

msgprintf message

Referenced by tsk_fs_blkcat().

void TSK_SHA_Final ( TSK_SHA_CTX shsInfo,
BYTE *  output 

Calculate the hash of the data added to the context.

shsInfoContext that has data added to it.
outputBuffer to store hash value

Referenced by tsk_fs_file_hash_calc().

void TSK_SHA_Init ( TSK_SHA_CTX shsInfo)

Initialize a SHA-1 context so that data can be added to it.

shsInfoPointer to context structure to initialize

Referenced by tsk_fs_file_hash_calc().

void TSK_SHA_Update ( TSK_SHA_CTX shsInfo,
const BYTE *  buffer,
unsigned int  count 

Add data to an initialized SHA-1 context.

shsInfoContext to add data to
bufferData to process
countNumber of bytes in buffer
TSK_STACK* tsk_stack_create ( )

Create a TSK_STACK structure.

Pointer to structure or NULL on error

References TSK_STACK::len, TSK_STACK::top, and TSK_STACK::vals.

uint8_t tsk_stack_find ( TSK_STACK a_tsk_stack,
uint64_t  a_val 

Search a TSK_STACK for a given value.

a_tsk_stackStack to search
a_valValue to search for
1 if found and 0 if not

References TSK_STACK::top, and TSK_STACK::vals.

void tsk_stack_free ( TSK_STACK a_tsk_stack)

Free an allocated TSK_STACK structure.

a_tsk_stackStack to free

References TSK_STACK::vals.

void tsk_stack_pop ( TSK_STACK a_tsk_stack)

Pop a value from the top of the stack.

a_tsk_stackStack to pop from

References TSK_STACK::top.

uint8_t tsk_stack_push ( TSK_STACK a_tsk_stack,
uint64_t  a_val 

Push a value to the top of TSK_STACK.

a_tsk_stackPointer to stack to push onto
a_valValue to push on
1 on error

References TSK_STACK::len, TSK_STACK::top, and TSK_STACK::vals.

TSKConversionResult tsk_UTF16toUTF8 ( TSK_ENDIAN_ENUM  endian,
const UTF16 **  sourceStart,
const UTF16 *  sourceEnd,
UTF8 **  targetStart,
UTF8 *  targetEnd,
TSKConversionFlags  flags 

Convert a UTF-16 string to UTF-8.

endianEndian ordering flag of UTF-16 text
sourceStartPointer to pointer to start of UTF-16 string. Will be updated to last char processed.
sourceEndPointer to one entry past end of UTF-16 string
targetStartPointer to pointer to place where UTF-8 string should be written. Will be updated to next place to write to.
targetEndPointer to end of UTF-8 buffer
flagsFlags used during conversion
error code

References TSKconversionOK, TSKsourceExhausted, TSKsourceIllegal, TSKstrictConversion, and TSKtargetExhausted.

Referenced by fatxxfs_dent_parse_buf().

TSKConversionResult tsk_UTF16toUTF8_lclorder ( const UTF16 **  sourceStart,
const UTF16 *  sourceEnd,
UTF8 **  targetStart,
UTF8 *  targetEnd,
TSKConversionFlags  flags 

Convert a UTF-16 string in local endian ordering to UTF-8.

sourceStartPointer to pointer to start of UTF-16 string. Will be updated to last char processed.
sourceEndPointer to one entry past end of UTF-16 string
targetStartPointer to pointer to place where UTF-8 string should be written. Will be updated to next place to write to.
targetEndPointer to end of UTF-8 buffer
flagsFlags used during conversion
error code

References TSKconversionOK, TSKsourceExhausted, TSKsourceIllegal, TSKstrictConversion, and TSKtargetExhausted.

Referenced by tsk_fs_ifind_path().

TSKConversionResult tsk_UTF8toUTF16 ( const UTF8 **  sourceStart,
const UTF8 *  sourceEnd,
UTF16 **  targetStart,
UTF16 *  targetEnd,
TSKConversionFlags  flags 

Convert a UTF-8 string to UTF-16 (in local endian ordering).

sourceStartPointer to pointer to start of UTF-8 string. Will be updated to last char processed.
sourceEndPointer to one entry past end of UTF-8 string
targetStartPointer to pointer to place where UTF-16 string should be written. Will be updated to next place to write to.
targetEndPointer to end of UTF-16 buffer
flagsFlags used during conversion
error code

References TSKconversionOK, TSKsourceExhausted, TSKsourceIllegal, TSKstrictConversion, and TSKtargetExhausted.

Referenced by TskAuto::enableImageWriter().

const char* tsk_version_get_str ( )

Return the library version as a string.

String version of version (1.00 for example)


void tsk_version_print ( FILE *  hFile)

Print the library name and version to a handle (such as "The Sleuth Kit ver 1.00").

hFileHandle to print to

References tsk_fprintf(), and TSK_VERSION_STR.

Copyright © 2007-2020 Brian Carrier. (carrier -at- sleuthkit -dot- org)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.